Reviews for Cute isn't Easy
NightMare chapter 13 . 10/10/2016
OMG I love this story sooooo much! I can't wait to see how things turn out!
masterctarl chapter 13 . 2/27/2016
I knew this part of the plot had to be coming. Knew it was gonna be sad. Still. :( For some reason, though, I love your 300% sassier Tailgate, lmao.
FlorLove152 chapter 13 . 2/27/2016
Gracias por continuar XD owo
FlorLove152 chapter 12 . 10/13/2015
Gracias por continuar XD
masterctarl chapter 11 . 7/10/2015
Hahahahaha, I love the idea of what it's like for an outsider on the ship who was pretty much "raised" by people so messed up to realize that the Lost Light was even more so. I'd say I'm surprised, but, well, it's the Lost Light.
YoureMyGirlBlue chapter 11 . 7/9/2015
This was freaking awesome.
duchesseduo chapter 10 . 6/14/2015
please oh please oh please continue this amazing story please hith a cherry on top.
Diamonds and Bones chapter 10 . 4/25/2015
Nice story.
Guest chapter 10 . 4/23/2015
Yeeeees. Fix all the things!
masterctarl chapter 9 . 2/23/2015
This chapter was awesome, lmao. I couldn't stop laughing at the Poetry Jam scene. Especially Rodimus. The writing feels like it comes right out of the comics, I'm genuinely impressed and enjoying this.
FlorLove152 chapter 9 . 2/23/2015
WOHOOOO thanks for continue! i love story xwx! continue pleass!
Uncanny Planet chapter 2 . 1/27/2015
I have only read issue 1-3 of More Than Meets The Eye. Will this make it confussing down the line of this fanfic?
FlorLove152 chapter 8 . 1/26/2015
Es tan lindo. El humor pero ugiero. Romance ijiji! O que hagan travesuras como antes xwx
masterctarl chapter 8 . 1/26/2015
I continue to love these, love l. I don't know why, but your version of Vos is one of my favorite parts of it.
Jaspity chapter 8 . 1/26/2015
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS AU/STORY. The interactions between Tailgate and DJD is adorable. Soundwave and his kinks, Vos "courtings" with Tailgate. There is so much more that I love in this story. Keep up the work. Your ideas are wonderful.
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