Reviews for Black and Red
Guest chapter 78 . 11/7/2023
Are you going to continue the story via Black and Red or is it going to be under a different title? By the way, welcome back! I hope everything is going wonderful for you and you are taking care of yourself! :)
jingerr chapter 23 . 10/27/2023
at least yours is only 5 days... o-o
Frostfire613 chapter 78 . 8/31/2023
I hope u upload a sequel with the music hall/blood arc but I feel like it would be best done once the arc actually ends
Frostfire613 chapter 76 . 8/31/2023
Oh thank god he didn't turn into a demon.
Grievousorvenom chapter 77 . 2/9/2023
This story was awesome to read. I'd love to read book 2 if you ever get around to it :3
MeowGenics chapter 1 . 9/28/2021
I know I just reviewed but I saw the link to your taken down Ouran story, I got to chapter 20 before I realized I think I've read it before way back when. I remember really liking it back then and still really liking it now going through it again.I'm sorry for what you went through because you're not a bad writer, I can really see your growth and it's pretty crazy how you've improved since then. Even back then your old stuff is still good, your writing didn't flow as well or portray atmosphere with emotion as well now, but you've always been good at keeping characters in character especially when they interact with your OC and whenever your OC interacts with the world. Just wanted to let you know I appreciate your works. So, don't mind! Don't mind!
MeowGenics chapter 78 . 9/28/2021
Read through the entire thing in like 3 days. I absolutely loved it and can't wait for book 2.
LovelyPeaxhBlush chapter 78 . 7/28/2021
It's been so long! I'm glad to hear you're doing okay. Hope you're feeling better since your diagnosis with Covid and congrats on graduating university. I still come back and read this book almost once a month because it's my absolute favorite Black Butler fanfic. Can we still expect a book 2? I'm really fascinated to see Thalia's reactions to the recent events and the trouble Undertaker's been up to.
lunabloodmoon666 chapter 78 . 7/21/2021
i loved this so much the characters and diversity were perfect and i do hope to read more
demigod.rule chapter 78 . 7/18/2021
I dont think I can thank you enough for this book. It has been my comfort book for years. I love your writing and your works and I can't wait to see what you accomplish in the future
NightDreamer58 chapter 78 . 7/16/2021
I would love to read your original story ! However, I can’t find it anywhere on Wattpad ? What’s your author tag and or can we get a link ?
SailorSedna052 chapter 78 . 7/16/2021
Take all the time you need. I know the feeling.
suntan140 chapter 78 . 7/16/2021
Oh F happy you got better.
Kitteninthemoonlight chapter 78 . 7/16/2021
I sorrow for the hardships you’ve gone through and hope you find the silver lining in our current world wide storm. I also wish you a plentiful Plunny farm for your new story!
PurpleMindKat chapter 77 . 6/2/2021
So its done? There’s no more another story?
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