Reviews for Sacrifice and Subjugation
Guest chapter 23 . 1/23
the interactions sucks ass. Has since the beginning of the story. They are so freaking awkward and stilted. fix please.
Yazarus chapter 23 . 1/20
Ah man. I did not like that reveal about Jeremy.

Zach is way too immature and childish with his emotions, and introducing a woman with four years of experience in a prior relationship before him makes me feel weird about this whole relationship now. I was never a fan of the whole 'threeway' relationship trope so I find my personal enjoyment of the romantic subplot slashed. This could be a me thing, but I see this situation as some adult in their late 20's and early 30's dating someone in college who had never been in a relationship before, not to mention experienced love. That comes across as super creepy to me but at the same time, the two of them are the same age... Why did this have to become so complicated? What use is Jeremy to the story besides as a cheap method to incur jealousy in him? With how the MC acts like a JP anime protagonist half the time, I would've preferred the romance to be kept simple. This is my opinion though, so take that as you will.
lord of the high seas chapter 1 . 1/7
Will you be updating this story anymore? Id love to see how it finishes
Jon T chapter 49 . 12/16/2024
New on the Pokemon centre garchomp first figures go take a look
XyphXIII chapter 40 . 12/14/2024
mc gets in trouble for killing people and not calling for backup... continues to do exaclty that regardless of the consequences again and again
Zacian0000 chapter 14 . 12/11/2024
Bruh what the hell. A supporting character "chis" atleast got to snag and drill a woman where as our MC here, doesn't even have an idea how to use his own little brother?! Chris is about 4 years younger than him but he was unvirginized earlier than him where as MC stayed as a clueless virigin?! How repulsive!
Zacian0000 chapter 11 . 12/11/2024
I still cant get over ninjhask man... I miss her character quite a bit.
Zacian0000 chapter 6 . 12/11/2024
Dammit, its so hard to remember who is who with all this pokemon nicknames. Just use their damn original name like gible or haunter instead of their nicknames or atleast indicate who is who with "gille(haunter)". MCs pokemon names is easier to remember but when it comes to other characters name? Its so easy for it to slip out and get confusing
IcyAltheon chapter 49 . 11/26/2024
To everyone who thinks this story is dead, it’s not. Author posted an update on his Patreon 13 days prior to me posting this review and it’s an update ANYONE can read, not behind a paywall. Go check it out, he explains why he was gone for so long and his plans for writing. He’s alive and he’s okay.
Aayan Khan chapter 49 . 11/11/2024
Truly a masterpiece that youve managed to write i dont know why you decided to abandon this because its so freaking good and it’s frustrating that i wont get to read this anymore plz write more if you can other than that this was probably one of the best fanfics ive read ever
bilal00023 chapter 30 . 10/21/2024
Bruh you just killing characters for no good reason
Kells0729 chapter 49 . 10/12/2024
My only complaint is that this is where the stiry ends. I wish it was continued. Theres so much lore and so many loose ends
Guest chapter 40 . 10/9/2024
He has quite the audacity to act so brazenly in foreign land. I believe that the character doesn't have enough fear. I just feel like the tortures that he has received are never enough! Weirdly enough Sheila is my least favourite character in this novel!
Fetty chapter 49 . 10/4/2024
Think I first came across this story 5 years ago now and not a month goes by I don’t check for an update

Hope whereever you are life is good and that you return to update this masterpiece because it is something I and many others on here cherish dearly
m.elmi6060 chapter 1 . 8/31/2024
Sheila is getting on my nerves and is a huge hypocrite. She is happy to eat miltank burgers but gets upset when MC feeds his carnivorous Pokemon similar meals, she is happy to catch a wild ralts but gets upset when mc catches that pikachu. She had no problems with the Butterfree or the Teddiursa, but now she is pipping up?

not to mention, the MC caving so much to her nagging is hella annoying, too. stop bending over backwards for this actual stranger.
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