Reviews for The One Appointment We All Must Keep
Snaperipper chapter 17 . 9/29/2017
Thank you so much for updating this story. I have always enjoyed it as well as your other Harry Potter writings. Great job!
Foxy-Floof chapter 17 . 9/29/2017
The idea of a echo that actually runs as a school is amazing to me, given up canon.
Jonis chapter 17 . 9/29/2017
Thanks for the update!
Calebros chapter 15 . 9/29/2017
This is a nice story, but you should really go through all your chapters and correct the many, many mistakes in each chapter.
Sampdoria chapter 17 . 9/29/2017
Absolutely loved the update:-))
Ghost Dragon Master chapter 17 . 9/29/2017
You should have Harry say, "Hello Peter." To the rat now that he is in an Unbreakable cage, lol the rat going as still as a statue will be amusing. Then having Harry inform him he is in a Unbreakable cage and not to bother transforming as it will only cause a mess will have a bit of dark humor, but will also serve as a warning. Maybe have Harry offer Ron a new broom to not only replace the rat, but also a thank you for handing over his parents betrayer, even if he did so without knowing.
ElizabethAnneSoph chapter 17 . 9/28/2017
Welcome back! What a good chapter! Loved how smart Harry is and his cousin relationship with Draco! And my my Hermione is crushing on Harry! Hehe that's sweet! Will he feel anything for her?
And the scene with Snape at the high table, I was near falling on my face from laughing that hard! Keep going with those like those!
And that got Lockhart really does have delusions on grandeur!
LtsHrIt4ThBoyz chapter 17 . 9/28/2017
!HALLELUJAH! A new chapter! And a terrific chapter it is!
I plan to hold you to your promise to update us sooner than usual!;-D
Btw, I don't do well with the blatantly delusional and mentally ill, in RL or fiction: I grew up in a truly dysfunctional, alcoholic home; you ain't lived 'til you get woke up, in the middle of the night, by a drunk and deluded parent who accuses you of doing stuff that's impossible 'cuz you're FIVE YEARS OLD and then beats you 'cuz you must be lying! (True story.)
So, Dimbulbdork, Molly, and the Weaselette's behavior makes me really uncomfortable, but since the majority of Rowling's characters did too... Sigh! Just another reason that I only read the silly things once!
I hope you're going to get help for GW; the other two should be put away for good!
Otherwise, its a *great* story and I'm really enjoying your presentation; keep it up!
Thank you, deary!
Potter Abducted by Penguins chapter 17 . 9/28/2017
I'm looking forward to reading future chapters of this story!
pianomouse chapter 17 . 9/28/2017
Fantastic! I love Draco & Harry protecting Luna and the friendship Luna & Hermione are building. That Kingsley is the temporary Head of Gryffindor and called open season on the twins is a blast. :) Thank you for sharing this with us.
Potter Abducted by Penguins chapter 14 . 9/28/2017
Snape and the bear in a bat costume is hilarius! That had me laughing so hard, tears were running down my cheeks! I do want to point out a couple of things, though: You keep misspelling Veritaserum. You have it spelled as "veritiaserum'. Also, the name Peverell was mispelled as Pervell. Other than that, I am thoroughly enjoying reading this story.
Grovek26 chapter 17 . 9/28/2017
Excellent story so far
Bentears chapter 17 . 9/28/2017
fab new chapter! I really like how Bill is stepping up for his younger sibs
Potter Abducted by Penguins chapter 9 . 9/28/2017
I'm really enjoying this!
Rebmul chapter 17 . 9/28/2017
ooh this is gona be good still kinda want to crazy bitch dead before she can do something like push Hermione down some stairs. hope they get rid of that book soon so volde disappears
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