Reviews for Girl Code
london spam chapter 15 . 1/8
This was a great story! Thanks for sharing!
london spam chapter 14 . 1/7
The fight is crazy, but Edward's reaction is the sweetest. I love seeing how these two are going to make their happy ending.
london spam chapter 13 . 1/7
Wowzer! It's all going down.
london spam chapter 12 . 1/7
These two have a wonderful intensity. Edward's not afraid to step up when needed and Bella needs that, clearly.
london spam chapter 11 . 1/7
They need to stay in real life and stay off the socials. I bet looking like young love at the wedding will be enough to set the town straight. I'm loving Rose's fierce friendship.
london spam chapter 10 . 1/7
Official in every way...?
london spam chapter 9 . 1/7
I like Edward making it happen instead of waiting for the girl drama to play out.
london spam chapter 8 . 1/7
The real victim here is Edward. I'm glad he's pushing her to resolve it.
london spam chapter 7 . 1/7
Bella has been dragging her feet on going public, but now it's going to be wielded in the manor of Alice's choosing. Dangerous.
london spam chapter 6 . 1/7
I get that Edward's private, but they need the sunshine. Otherwise, it's flames.
london spam chapter 5 . 1/7
Bella should return Rose's confession. She needs to trust someone.
london spam chapter 4 . 1/7
He's definitely into her and she knows it, but this Victoria thing is a complication.
london spam chapter 3 . 1/7
These are very promising signs indeed. I love the hand squeeze and smile.
london spam chapter 2 . 1/7
Bella needs to out herself to Victoria about her interest in Edward immediately to avoid a whole mess of drama. But I doubt she will.
london spam chapter 1 . 1/7
Mmm... sweets, I like it.
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