Reviews for Ruthless
Guest chapter 8 . 1/6
So ruthless that he's willing to let his woman have another man lmao. His logic of them belonging to each other since they belong to him is so faulty that the writer had to end it in a line break. I can't lmao
omh666 chapter 9 . 1/6
Nicely done.
g chapter 9 . 1/2
this was sooo good
adfasdfa chapter 9 . 12/27/2024
Cuck who lived such a wierd story to write... wtf
RodrickBlueLord chapter 1 . 11/30/2024
Cuck who lived, came to die, owl yeahr️

Not to be rude, but It would be nice to see a healthy bisexual couple, I hate 'Y' relationships
ChryslerBuildingFeathers chapter 9 . 11/4/2024
This story is a masterpiece.
Nightcrawler X chapter 2 . 9/28/2024
johnny99 chapter 9 . 9/22/2024
Disturbing and satisfying.

Thanks for writing, I seriously enjoyed this.
Elysiyath chapter 2 . 9/11/2024
That was one good chapter with amazing writing
Elysiyath chapter 1 . 9/11/2024
A great beginning
potterheadcharles chapter 9 . 8/16/2024
James damaged the boy...
PastOneonta chapter 9 . 8/8/2024
This was very good. Interesting and very different. The concept of James creating a charm for infant Harry was a great idea, well carried out as we saw how it impacted Harry. James had loving intentions but magic is tricky and the outcome wasn’t exactly as James envisioned. At least that is how I saw it. Harry was strong and bright and independent and very capable. Darkness and evil wasn’t going to influence him. He wasn’t easily likable, but it fit the concept of the charm and his character was consistent. I appreciate that you hit the highlights of canon plot as you weren’t intending to rewrite it all with this changed Harry. The specific events where Harry was confronted with a choice, made a choice and then acted were written very well. I liked his distrust of Dumbledore and his observation that Snape never looked at him. I liked Theo and Hermione as his friends or shadows. I liked the way he ended V, it fit Harry’s behavior and decisions throughout.

I am new to HP fandom and found this to be good but in reading the reviews I started to worry about the rest of the fandom! There is a lot of hate here! Why do people say awful things? Just stop reading! I didn’t see Hermione as a slut or cheater at all. She might have been looking for emotional affection which Harry wasn’t giving, which is the Harry the way you wrote him. It was up to Harry to view her as cheating and he didn’t. I guess I don’t believe in writing rudeness to an author who isn’t even getting paid for sharing! Anyway, thank you and hope all is well.
Gear master chapter 9 . 7/18/2024
This was really good and I loved it. It was very dark, but also quite touching at the end.
SatanSan53 chapter 8 . 7/4/2024
What the fuck?
Caliborn96 chapter 9 . 6/25/2024
Very well written and interesting plot idea.
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