Reviews for Knights and Swords
AidenJacksonSmithDSBB chapter 3 . 7/31/2024
So is this story dead, or did you just disappear?
Archangel Change24 chapter 3 . 5/26/2024
Wish you would write more
Kassandra Danvers chapter 3 . 12/27/2022
please update its already a good book to read
Shigeraki chapter 1 . 11/28/2022
Ooooh I like this. The story the plot the everything. Except the occasional spelling error. But that’s mostly fine
ManticoreBlues chapter 3 . 9/7/2022
wish this was continued, loved what you have so far.
Prometheus-777 chapter 3 . 9/20/2021
The news of True EXCALIBUR should have grabbed the Hero Faction and by extension Ophis' attention as she seeks more powerful allies to defeat Great Red lol.

Hmm, Shirou should trace a copy of Avalon and give it to Saber so that they both have a copy of Avalon. Should ensure their safety since they no longer share the telepathic connection Master and Servant normally have to communicate and alert each other of danger or call for each other's assistance whenever separated from each other like in this chapter. This way they can freely defend themselves and know that at least they'll survive long enough for their ally to come and assist thanks to Avalon stalling for time, precious as it is...

Oddly surprised that Gaghiel didn't die lol. Oh well, there's always next time should he push Shirou and Saber again.

Interesting ending though. Hope this story continues. Loving this new Shirou that's more like EMIYA~!
Prometheus-777 chapter 2 . 9/20/2021
Heh, Gaghiel, for an Angel, sure swears a lot lol. Fascinating.

But this set up a lot. Nice world building too.
Prometheus-777 chapter 1 . 9/20/2021
Heh, Shirou having Dragon slaying weapons and being a Dragon isn't a problem. Balmung and Siegfried are just as fine as Sigurd at wielding their Drahon slaying weapons.

Heh, I love your method of narration. Very captivating.

But the modifications Great Baka Red made to Saber and Shirou are sure to piss off Ophis even more as she'll view the Absolute Duo as Great Ted's Champions.

It's only sad that Illya still dies in the end... Had she ended up with Saber and Shirou, she may have been saved as well. But surviving only to die a yet later under Rin's care seems like a hollow victory, if even one at all. Would've been a mercy had she died at the Temple instead of surviving only to die if she wasn't to be saved by Shirou's wish and Great Red's mercy...
Power Scaling chapter 1 . 5/11/2021
Scaling wise, Great Red would barely be able to fight Zelretch, weakened as he currently is.

The Holy Grail, with the power of at least 9 servants (Gilgamesh counts as 3) at least 6 servants from the previous grail war (due to increased mana causing it to start 10 years after the 4th), would obliterate Great Red.
Angra Mainyu would be completely untouchable by Great Red.

Comparing servants to high class devils is a joke. These are characters who can barely even react to supersonic attacks and you're comparing them to servants, who *casually* are 5x that *minimum*

Only the strongest of DxD could genuinely fight a servant with the same stats.
Issei's boosted gear also has a power scaling issue where it should be *much* better than it actually is.

Only three boosts should allow him to blitz pretty much everyone in the club, but it doesn't happen, so obviously it isn't really a exponential growth.
Instead, it just doubles his state from before doubling (let's say his power level starts at 90. Now he has 180. The next 'double' will be 270.)

This is the only explanation for why the ORC can even keep up with Issei, even in the beginning.
Otherwise it's just bad power scaling.
JustDusty chapter 1 . 2/6/2021
This story had so much potential. Too bad it's abandoned. Personally i think comparing Saber at full power to a High-class devil (Namely early series Rias) is kind of exaggerating, based on forums a couple of full Heroic spirits(2 high class devils) should be able to stand toe to toe against Arcueid Brunestud(one of the strongest beings in all of Type-Moon), does that mean Ultimate-class Rias/Juggernaut Issei should be able to easily kill Arcueid?
morfeo34 chapter 3 . 11/29/2020
next please take the next
KPmine1 chapter 1 . 11/26/2020
Nice can’t wait for the next one
alfamega20000 chapter 3 . 11/20/2020
Good story write more pls
Guestinator chapter 3 . 11/9/2020
It just felt wrong the entire time, random changes, random people, random situations, random time skips. When even IS this for DxD?
Guestinator chapter 1 . 11/9/2020
It is interesting but having a ROB for all intents and purposes take up most of this chapter to change things to get the plot where you want it isn't a good sign or start of a story.
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