Reviews for What should have been
ceps chapter 1 . 1/22
it sucks major ass
ZoyeZest chapter 1 . 12/9/2024
Hey there! I hope you're doing great!

I just finished reading your story What should have been, and I absolutely loved it! I'd be thrilled to adapt it into my comic style or even animation. I'd work on it as a commission, and I think you'd really enjoy the final result something you might even want to share!

I'm a digital artist open for commissions and have a few spots available. I work on various types of artwork, my rates are reasonable, and I always deliver high-quality pieces. If you're interested, let’s discuss it further!

You can reach me here:
- Discord: baran59354
- DeviantArt: baran59354
- Twitter: ZoyeZest
- Instagram: baran59354

Looking forward to hearing from you!
Guest chapter 6 . 4/25/2024
you lost me at the excessive cursing. like seriously bro, this story is edgier than chi chi’s birthing sequence.
karatekid72700 chapter 19 . 1/10/2023
I swear the solar flare is probably the second most used named technique in dragon ball
Cabana Misael chapter 41 . 10/28/2022
re god!
Ohma chapter 10 . 3/13/2022
Meh, why does Bardock have to get involved in everyone's story it just ruins everything
BraydenFn chapter 11 . 1/29/2022
Guest chapter 17 . 1/18/2022
Goku’s actually 5’7”, as is Gohan
Kingdark chapter 21 . 11/17/2021
Oh, man, I couldn't believe it when you references the "it's over 9.000" meme like that! Hilarious! I don't think a dbz fic, is a dbz fic, unless it makes fun of that line.
Lonewolf1836 chapter 41 . 8/2/2021
I liked the story to me this felt better than that of Canon sure it did have some issues but overall it was good and dark and I love dark stories.
Zealot07 chapter 16 . 5/29/2021
and it when go shit with the mating thingy bullshit.
Zealot07 chapter 13 . 5/29/2021
sorry if like the story but I really dislike how dark gohan got, and 18 wouldn't have meddle into it.
Axccel chapter 22 . 4/13/2021
Not sure why you gave super saiyan to the OC girl instead of to Goten and Trunks, but I assume it's half because she's you're original character and half so she would win. That doesn't make her stronger, it indicates that she needed a boost to win and could not have won on her own merit.
Axccel chapter 19 . 4/13/2021
Ugh, Videls fugly short hair.
Axccel chapter 15 . 4/13/2021
I like that this fic’s Videl recognizes and accepts her feelings for Gohan.
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