Reviews for The Heart of a Soldier: Rewritten
cchickki chapter 13 . 12/21/2016
I haven't reviewed in forever! I'm so sorry! I just got caught up and wanted to let you know that I am still reading and enjoying this story. I'm so glad Tab and Essie finally kissed, and that the guys have warmed up to her. I do have a few things I'd like to point out that I noticed in the story: Essie seems to jump from platoon to platoon. Once a soldier is assigned a platoon they must remain there unless transferred or otherwise told by a CO or high ranking officer. Tab was in 1st platoon and they jumped into Normandy together, so I assume that's her platoon? A bullet wound to the leg, especially the upper thigh can be extremely fatal. The arteries and muscles make it a devastating place to be shot. Soldiers shot there were either in the hospital for weeks, months, or taken off the line for good. Just two little things I pointed out. I know it's fanfiction and that you have the creative freedom and flexibility to write what you wish. I still adore this story and love your writing. I hope you don't mind me giving you tips. I hope you're enjoying college. God blessCurrahee
Paratrooper56 chapter 13 . 7/24/2016
1) YAS A ONESHOT WITH GUARNERE why u so capable of reading my mind about which of the boys are the best ahah
2) YAY! You're going to college! (Okay I'm Australian so writing that was weird, I feel like im literally saying "yay you're going to Year 11 and 12" because it's not "University" ahaha) but a degree in History of all things is exciting, damnit
3) Okay the feels are coming back bad, when they kissed after Floyd caught up with her aww this is bringing back the memories haha... Loving it
Xxoo Paratrooper56
LovingBOBThePacific chapter 13 . 7/24/2016
Awwww, finally Tab and Es did it! :3 Your writing of the characters is so realistic - I love it, just like I love all of it! :D
Can't wait to read another chapter, Becs!
And congrats again with college! :3
I love you!
ljvs chapter 13 . 7/23/2016
Such a fantastic chapter! Essie's reunion with Tab was everthing I'd hoped for. So cute and that kiss was brilliant! I can't believe this womam keeps getting hit! Making me stress every time...hahahaha...She's very lucky! I enjoyed her interaction with Doc afterwards as well, and the brief glimpse it gave into the emotional toll the fighting was taking on Gene. Excited to read the next chapter when you're ready with it! Ps. I'd like to read the one shot...
Paratrooper56 chapter 12 . 7/13/2016
I love hownthis story is coming along, your imagery at the start was really nice too :) You've eased well into the relationships, and I can't wait to see how the Nix/Floyd turmoil ensues ;) Xxoo Paratrooper56
LovingBOBThePacific chapter 12 . 7/12/2016
You're absolutely right. This is fanfiction.
That said, I loved it! As always.
And I really love Essie's and Gene's relationship :3 Makes me go 'awwww' :P
Love you!
-Camz x
ljvs chapter 12 . 7/11/2016
So I'm reading the story for the first time and I'm really enjoying it. I'm excited to see her and Tab's reunion!
ljvs chapter 3 . 7/9/2016
Hey there. I just read the first three chapters of the story in one go. I really enjoyed the pacing of the story and Essie is such a cute and relatable character that I can't wait to see how she grows throughout the story while (hopefully) maintaining some of her good nature.
LovingBOBThePacific chapter 11 . 7/6/2016
You know what? I loved this chapter too! I loved all of it, how you care for the details, how you write the characters - you're so amazing, Becs! :)
Love you!
Camz xx
Byron W.4 chapter 11 . 7/6/2016
Very good!
SCE2AUX chapter 11 . 7/6/2016
Wow! Essie didn't waste any time in earning her Purple Heart - (and a Verwundetenabzeichen for the other guy).
LovingBOBThePacific chapter 10 . 6/29/2016
Beautiful writing as always, Becca! 3 Beautiful details as well, you know I could go on and on about everything! Everything's awesome 3
I love you and miss you!
- Camz x
Byron W.4 chapter 10 . 6/29/2016
Pretty good!
SCE2AUX chapter 10 . 6/28/2016
"And SO we shall go to war!"

I was -almost- hoping Essie would explain to Sink what she had to say for herself...but I somehow think that wouldn't have been appreciated by him.

Pardon me for being a bit of a pedant, but the proper term is "court-martial," uncapitalized and hyphenated. "Martial" means "pertaining to war."
Paratrooper56 chapter 9 . 6/21/2016
Firstly, chapter size is amazing but tbh it never bothers me at all I just love the update no matter what :D haha and I love that Frank was the bad guy... He often gets written out a bit but the bunk scene was perfect xxoo Paratrooper 56
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