Reviews for We're Screwed
Guest chapter 7 . 1/18/2022
At least you didn't waste any story on a Harry Hermione argument .
Hot48cricket1 chapter 3 . 1/16/2022
I never see granger with Charlie
But I always thought she would be a good match to Percy!
iacopo.passerini chapter 1 . 10/12/2021
Grande storia! Adesso il mondo magico è nei guai ed è finito!
Kknd2 chapter 7 . 9/26/2021
And here we see a well executed sequel. We see the transition period with that same focus on the singular plot thread through to it's conclusion in a series of scenes entirely on topic. All thriller, no filler. (Well, that's the phrase anyway.)
snoopythepenguin chapter 3 . 5/21/2021
I don’t think that “hi” is the pinyin for any chinese character but my chinese is pretty rusty
EdTheBeast chapter 7 . 3/31/2021
An excellent sequel. Still liked the first one a bit more, but this one has more depth!
missgsmith51 chapter 4 . 3/3/2021
(Sorry to do this here, but I've used up most of my posting options in a previous read.)
I would love to know if teaching at Hogwarts was Hermione's first career choice. I would have thought she might apply to be an Unspeakable, given her love of research. She doesn't strike me as a natural teacher who would connect easily with children, given what we know about her through canon. Yes, she is smart. However, Snape is exhibit A for brilliant geniuses not necessarily having the ability to communicate information easily or connect with children ... or with anyone much, for that matter.

I can't help wondering ... DID Hermione initially apply for a ministerial position, and was she rebuffed because she was a Muggleborn? Just extremely curious. If you're willing to give us some "backstory" on her, it would be appreciated. Thanks.

I'm also curious to know whether Molly has ever worked out that, had Ron been supportive of Harry rather than abandoning and attacking him, Harry might have stayed at Hogwarts and Ginny might still be alive.

I'll bet the Governors were PO'd, because they probably all drew big, fat stipends for doing next to nothing.
PappyOldGuy chapter 1 . 2/28/2021
Excellent follow up story you have going here! I really do enjoy your writing style. I have read a few of your postings so far and have enjoyed them all. For the most part I tend not to read the posts on the review page (until I'm several chapters in), I prefer to makeup my own mind about what I read. I just hope you keep writing and posting for those of us who do enjoy your work.

As always, thank you so very much for sharing.
Guest chapter 5 . 2/24/2021
Tuna on pizza?! That is just...just...not right
Guest chapter 1 . 1/30/2021
No matter how many fics I read I always find it hilarious how out of touch Magical Britain is with the rest of the world.
FlowerChild23 chapter 7 . 12/5/2020
This was amazing! Nice work.
Last Harper chapter 3 . 11/21/2020
I think this would have been a good place to end, sorry.
Kai chapter 1 . 11/19/2020
I think they should ask themselves "Do we NEED such a big castle?" Giving it up is unthinkable, of course, but the follow-up question is then "Can we afford stubbornly clinging to tradition when it obviously doesn't work anymore?" Because the answer to the first question is "No."

They use just a fraction of the facilities available, did so already when Harry started his education there, and well, since then the numbers have gone down significantly. How many unused classrooms do the students use infrequently, just because they're there? Or broom cupboards in a castle where house elves clean with magic and where the flying brooms are stored at the quidditch pitch. Do they NEED stairs that move at the most inopportune moment and make the students be late for classes? Do they NEED dungeons, a part of which is clearly NOT potions department but dungeon in its original purpose? At least there must be a place where Filch keeps his whips and assorted instruments of torture he threatens the students with. Do they NEED classrooms in towers, when a single classroom wing would be much more convenient? Both for the students and in case of emergencies which sadly happen with a too high frequency.

"It's always been that way!" Well, yes. And it's failed.
HoneyBear84 chapter 7 . 10/13/2020
Love it
Brother Grimace chapter 4 . 9/25/2020
Gotta disagree with getting rid of the Hogwarts Express as the way students arrive and leave at the beginning and end of the year. Sometimes, unlike what the 'good guys' of this fic believe, tradition CAN be a good thing. That ride to Hogwarts is a way for kids to make memories of their first trip there and of meeting their future classmates - and the trip home is a way for friends to have a little time together before they separate for the summer. Having the floor is a great idea as it gives travel flexibility options throughout the year and for emergencies or field trips, etc. - but there's no need to simply mothballing the Express.

I get that there's been MANY screwups by the Wizarding World - but not everything needs to be replaced and some traditions can survive. After all, even this Harry had a few nice moments on the Express, even if his were poisoned later - and bitterness on his or Sirius' part shouldn't stand in the way of other kids having good memories... the memories Harry should have had, if not for Dumbledore.
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