Reviews for The Keys of Fire
haddockDragneel chapter 51 . 10/10/2024
My 2nd time reading this story..
Aaaannnnd I'm in love all over again... The bro code is the most interesting part hahaha...
I love Natsu. Marry meeeee...
Naluontop chapter 51 . 10/4/2024
HEY! I know you wrote this story an incredibly long time ago and I hope you’re doing really well in life! Fairytail is my favourite anime in all of existence and it kills me that nalu still isn’t cannon with the ongoing release of the 100 year quest. With the release of the new arc, I’ve been exploring fics to feed my nalu deprived self and stumbled across this one in a tumblr recc list from a couple of years back. I just wanted to say thank you for writing this absolute masterpiece, it’s so amazing and I love the way you’ve characterised everyone! Definitely one of my favourites by far.
Guest chapter 51 . 9/28/2024
This is really interesting. At first I thought it would be romance oriented, but it wasn't. It was adventure oriented and I liked it. It has a fairy tail feel to it but at the same time, it's its own version.
Guest chapter 50 . 9/16/2024
I imagine some people probably flamed you for this chapter but I love that you added in that Natsu’s mom did regret her decision. A lot of women do and media misleads others into thinking it doesn’t hurt or that they’ll feel nothing having such a serious procedure done.
Great chapter!
Guest chapter 5 . 9/15/2024
I love the organization of this chapter.
Fireflake the V chapter 1 . 3/5/2024
Damn it's been almost a decade but I see the story still get the love it deserve. Same with everyone, I also have a special place in my heart for this story only. Hope you have a nice day
Xoxolia681 chapter 51 . 1/9/2024
This story will forever hold a place in my heart
Xoxolia681 chapter 28 . 1/7/2024
OneLittleSpark18 chapter 51 . 10/2/2023
I almost forgot how AMAZING this story is! It's been consuming my waking thoughts for the past week during my return to the world of Keys of Fire!

Once again, THANK YOU for the amazing story you've told. It might take a minute, but i KNOW that i'll be back again some day!
fairydares chapter 28 . 8/7/2023
"BAFMs" bad ass-fucking mothers? Hell yea
fairydares chapter 14 . 8/6/2023
Shout out to this story for making me look up whether mascara is made of bat poop dbeidndo
MotherDema chapter 51 . 6/15/2023
Fuckin’ beautiful.
Jellal Frenandes chapter 51 . 1/30/2023
Awww, that was such a good story! I regret not reading it sooner!
Rivera.Silver.11Creepypastas12 chapter 51 . 11/28/2022
Amazing, got me all teared up in the best of ways. Thank you for writing your story for us all.
Whiskysnake chapter 51 . 9/24/2022
This is probably the fifth or sixth time I’ve reread this fic, and it probably won’t be the last. I followed along as it came out, and all these years later I still love it!
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