Reviews for Of Little Brothers
Guest chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
Dartagnan poisoned
The Phantom Dragon chapter 17 . 9/7/2014
can you do a D'Artagnan screwing up and then Treville having to fix it (Louis does something really stupid and know it's his fault instead of it always D'Artagnan not being prepared), only they're a bit late on the uptake and we get to see a lot more of that aftermath fluff like you did in chapter 11?
The Phantom Dragon chapter 16 . 9/7/2014
wouldn't that mean Athos now has his own horse and the thief has D'Artagnan's? Because the only way I see your reasoning working so I don't see what Athos has got to whine about.
The Phantom Dragon chapter 15 . 9/7/2014
it's so funny how I keep connecting the actor for Athos back to my most hated childhood fictional bully that he plays in Dragonheart 2 and the amount of fluffies I'm getting now, don't suppose there's anything you can use that to run with for a fic?
The Phantom Dragon chapter 12 . 9/7/2014
you kill me, mwahahahahaha the plot bunny demands MOOORRRRE!
The Phantom Dragon chapter 11 . 9/7/2014
noooooooo you need to finish this! this is the best f-ing thing I've read in ages where someone actually has a partial knowledge of how to actually torture correctly
The Phantom Dragon chapter 10 . 9/7/2014
ha ha, did wonder what would come of the pup handling those chemicals
The Phantom Dragon chapter 8 . 9/7/2014
*ROFLHAO* no, not trouble, nothing so gargantuan. Just a bunch of fangirls in an alternate dimension who are somehow able to control your life with their computers 3D
The Phantom Dragon chapter 6 . 9/7/2014
gahahahahah is it wrong i thrive off these like chocolate
The Phantom Dragon chapter 5 . 9/7/2014
weee Tidia is such an awesome inspiration for whump isn't she, you two need to collaborate more
The Phantom Dragon chapter 1 . 9/7/2014
wow, melted boots, that is one i have not heard yet
Absolutely adored this chapter, more please *holds out a musketeer plushie set as a bribe*
The Phantom Dragon chapter 4 . 9/7/2014
ha ha, the poor kid, makes you wonder just what it means to be loved by a fanfiction writer XD XD XD
The Phantom Dragon chapter 2 . 9/7/2014
FLUUUUUUUUFFFFYYY! i can so sympathize with the weakness, I always enjoy a good Legolas, Aragorn whumping and Winchester feels are evil, but these four... *grabs the lot in a back crushing hug* me needs moooooooooooorrre
Alanasteria chapter 17 . 9/6/2014
This chapter was ...(oh, I forget this word) ...very good. Like everything you write. I have one idea with Treville and d'Artagnan. Maybe d'Artagnan save his captain, stand on line of fire, but he become bad wounded insted.
I hope you understand.
CandyCakes chapter 17 . 9/6/2014
Yay, a new chapter! I've had a sucky day at work so this was certainly a bright spot in my day! Wow, Treville can be kinda scary! Great job as always!
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