Reviews for Of Little Brothers
Legoelf chapter 16 . 8/29/2014
Yay I haven't had a fanfic update from anyone in ages so I was getting worried that you'd all died! How was your holiday? Thanks for the update. I adored the light heartedness in this because the others where slightly darker and this brightned it a lot :) awwwwww big bros musketeers and Athos lost his horse! Aha loved it thx
kairitonks chapter 15 . 8/27/2014
So, I've been reading this for a while and I for one very enjoy it. This story is one I wake up to hoping for an update before I start my day. Now, a prompt idea... the actual d'Antagnan had many siblings, the oldest named Charles who died in battle before our Charles was born. What about something with that? Its got to be very awkward and depressing being named after your dead brother and living up to his image?
Questfan chapter 15 . 8/26/2014
I can't believe the myriad ways you can torture our poor boys. Awesome job! I love the whole notion of their brotherhood and you are portraying it so well. More please :-)
fluffybunny39 chapter 14 . 8/25/2014
I love them so much! This is definitely one the best musketeers fanfictions I have ever read! C'est tres belle! I'm addicted. MORE! Pretty please with skittles on top
Zoe95 chapter 11 . 8/23/2014
I just love love these! I love how you put a new and creative twist on everyone's suggestions! You should do one where poor D'Art gets amnesia, and Athos gets upset when his boy can't remember him.
Sandtalon chapter 15 . 8/22/2014
I must apologize for not reviewing the past two chapters, they were really superb, but real life got in the way :(. So I think I will be packing the three reviews in one.

As a person who suffers from migraines, I can say that you really hit it on the spot. That dull ache that warns you that it's coming, yet it really isn't that bad until it hits suddenly... do you also suffer from migraines? My sincerest sympathies if you do, they are no fun.

Mother henning/obviously eldest brother Athos is amazing, and I loved the "You're grounded" exchange he had with D'artagnan, which parallels the "Did I stutter?" exchange from this chapter.

I love the silent strong support that Porthos always provides.. I feel like he is the least vocal of the Musketeers, but it never feels that he is missing. Having him massage D'Artagnan's head was a good idea.

I'm very interested to see Aramis shot/be the one in need of support. Especially since he's been the calm one so far.. I wonder if it is the same if it is he who gets hurt... my guess is that he's just as stubborn as the D'Artagnan.

I personally like your OC's. I imagine them to be young Musketeers, older than D'Artagnan but significally younger than the Three. The friends he hangs out with when he is not with his brothers... and the friends he gets in trouble with for doing silly things like accepting a bet to jump off a horse. Young and reckless the lot of them.

Again, thank you for the constant updates, it's pretty nice to escape the stress that is life and just enjoy these chapters every once in a while.
baldwincarolyn13 chapter 15 . 8/21/2014
Could you maybe write a fic where D'Artagnan is captured and used against one of the other musketeers by an old enemy? Maybe like an enemy of Athos, and D'Art gets hurt and Athos has to deal with the guilt of bringing that on or something. Not necessarily original I admit but I really want to see your take on a situation like that! I'm a huge fan of your work KEEP ON WRITING!
Becimpala33 chapter 15 . 8/21/2014
It's been a rough, exhausting week at work, and I was so happy to wake up today and see this new chapter from you! Perfect way to start off my day :)
Legoelf chapter 1 . 8/21/2014
Did I reveiw? I don't think I did... But anyway here's the review.
I liked the fact that Athos was teaching d'Art swords stuff ;) and don't worry I let the bunnies have lots of sleep
CandyCakes chapter 15 . 8/20/2014
Hi, just wanted to drop a quick note on how much I've enjoyed the last chapter! I love how the guys are mother henning d'Art and he's still being stubborn about letting them know when he's not feeling well. Just like a regular guy, lol! I was psyched to see that you wrote another story in one of my favorite fandoms Supernatural but I couldn't read it, site keeps saying story not found. Hopefully they'll get the glitch fixed soon, I'd loved to read it!
KleptoKoala chapter 15 . 8/20/2014
Porthos being protective and big brotherly to D'Artagnan gives me life
fariedragon chapter 15 . 8/20/2014
Poor Migraine D'art i love how you wrote it. I have had Migraines that just get that bad that suddenly. I can not wait for more.
CandyCakes chapter 14 . 8/19/2014
Poor d'Dartagnan, his pride always gets him in trouble, doesn't it? I totally loved the ending with Athos grounding him, I bet he enforces it too! As for OCs, honestly I don't like OCs in general, but I can deal with them because sometimes you need them to move a story forward. As long as they don't take over the story and become more important than the main characters (I've had many a story ruined for me because the OCs became main characters), I'm cool with them. Sorry if it sound like I'm trying to tell you how to write your story, I really don't mean it that way! But I'm really enjoying this story and I like to read all the other prompts that people have given you, I think that you've done an awesome job with them!
bearsrawesome chapter 14 . 8/19/2014
Another great chapter that I really enjoyed x can imagine the others being exasperated with him rather than yelling whilst Athos takes on a mothering role and a strict one at that x
Ookami Sakura chapter 14 . 8/18/2014
tehe that was a classic you can't ground me your not my real dad moment... Great chapter, very amusing!
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