Reviews for Of Little Brothers
Becimpala33 chapter 14 . 8/18/2014
I liked the OCs! I thought you did a really nice job of making them their own characters in the Musketeers world without having them overpower the story. Athos telling D'Artagnan he's grounded was pretty much my favorite thing ever :D
TinkerBella7 chapter 14 . 8/18/2014
So cute. I love that Athos grounded him and I can so see him doing just that. I love it. Thanks so much. Heeeee. His friends better hide tho. snicker
Legoelf chapter 14 . 8/18/2014
Hope you had a great camping trip! Glad you didn't get eaten by a bear ;) awww I loved Athos being d'Arts mum it was lol. And I love the OCs too please don't kill them but you can kill Henri I don't mind that and thank you thank you thank you thank you loads of hugs and kisses OH MY DAYZ THANK YOU SO MUCH (I'm happy can you tell I'm happy? I'm happy!) and why would I starve my plot bunnies I need them to pester more authors after you
Again thank you ;) xxxxooooxxxx
CandyCakes chapter 13 . 8/16/2014
Oh that was so sweet! I admit, I teared up a little. The beginning was nice where d'Artagnan thought that his birthday has been forgotten and I absolutely loved at the end where he received all his beautiful presents. I'm still a little conflicted about the hat! I really want him to have a hat but I don't want his beautiful hair covered too much :P!

I have another suggestion! This came to me while I was reading a discussion about the first episode when d'Artagnan and Constance met. There was someone who said that he collapsed and they didn't understand why, because he only injured his ribs. I think that the fall had a little to do with it, but the show didn't really go into detail about it. Another theory I had about it was something d'Art said about not being able to rest til he avenged his father. Anyway, to finally get to the point, I wondering what you thought about an exhausted d'Art story. Maybe since he's became a musketeers he's training himself into the ground trying to forget about Constance and one day he collapses for no reason. The guys are confused at first as to what's wrong, then they're like well d'Art here when we arrive and he's still here when we leave. So I would like to know if you think it's workable at all.

Have a great weekend, I hope you enjoy you're camping trip!
Legoelf chapter 13 . 8/16/2014
Oh my dayz that was adorable! Sorry I didn't review on the last chapters I was away and I thought I'd just sum it all up in one review. Aha I still love this story even though I hardly ever read d'Artagnan whump etc but I like this one it's really cute. And I haven't let you off the hook yet about Aramis! My pink lettuce eating plot bunnies await! Ahahahahhahahahahahhsbdjdnmdkforooejbsenbxngghwhcqcvsbxjjchxhchhsjwkpwoa*coughs and died on floor* lol
bearsrawesome chapter 13 . 8/16/2014
Another fab chapter of teary eyes fluffiness! Have fun camping and thanks for the amazing update x so glad you have so many prompts- it holds the promise of more to come!
fanficalicious chapter 13 . 8/16/2014
Loving this! Thank you so much for sharing! I love reading about the little brother. If I may make a request: some Athos!whump with a coming-to-the-rescue and caring (bamf) little brother. Pleeeease! Anyway anything you write I'm very happy to read. Thanks again for sharing your talent with your readers.
Debbie chapter 13 . 8/16/2014
Oh you had me nearly teary eyed in this chapter. Well done!
As for suggestions, I've have read several takes (story wise) on the last ep of the season Musketeers don't die easily.
Would love to see you do one where apparently Athos does not shoot d'Art where he was supposed too and d'Art has to fight for his life.
Becimpala33 chapter 13 . 8/16/2014
Another great chapter! I love how they surprised him, and the gifts they got him were perfect!
TinkerBella7 chapter 13 . 8/16/2014
This was awesome. I'm all kinds of smiley and happy for D'Artagnan. Great job.
Tianne chapter 13 . 8/16/2014
Well, pass me a muffin and call me happy!

Nice one, hon :)

I love that everyone had a part in the last pressie and how he realised what they all think of him. And Treville- yeah 'cos D'ARTAGNAN would be emotional. We're on to you, tough guy!

I like the fact that the musket once belonged to Thomas- it really emphasises how D'Artagnan has become Athos' little brother in his heart. (Now I'm going all sloppy!)

Have a great weekend, hon. We'll all be here waiting... :D
Jan chapter 9 . 8/15/2014
Loved it! It was so sweet.
immie8 chapter 13 . 8/15/2014
Awwww - as much as I'm an angst junkie, I do adore fluff! And as for some silly prompts - how about d'Art and the others get the unenviable task of escorting some annoying daughter of a foreign dignitary and the girl becomes just a little too enamoured with our young friend leading his friends to find increasingly crazy ways of keeping the two separate.
CandyCakes chapter 12 . 8/15/2014
Yay, d'Artagnan lives! The story was great as it was but this addition to it made it awesome! I liked to recurring dream motif that was weaved throughout the story, nice touch. The threat that d'Artagnan might not be able to walk properly again and was a bad patient, I thought that was very true to character. I really like Porthos visit, very sweet and also very true to character. But I'm a sucker for a happy ending so I was glad that it a worked out. You're very sweet to take on all these prompts, I hope that you're not overwhelmed!
ajaali chapter 12 . 8/15/2014
this chapter is sooooooooo much better than the last one :-)

(guess what... i'm the happy ending type ;-))

i know it is not a real prompt but i would like to read a combination of hurt aramis and hurt d'artagnan that would be so great (i'm an aramis girl since i read the book the first time
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