Reviews for Of Little Brothers
RowanaRenee chapter 47 . 12/29/2015
*Blubbers uselessly* Oooh, somehow I didn't see this update when it happened (outrage! Scandal!)

...I'm trying to think of a way to review this but can't figure out how to transcribe the /sounds/ (sort of a blubbering squeak and several squeals and lots of flailing about) that went on while reading this one. It was so perfect. ARAMIS. My friend, you do the very best Aramis. He was so PERFECT and then d'Artagnan omg d'Artagnan baby my love and Constance and both of them together. You are brilliant!
iamthesoulfinder chapter 48 . 12/28/2015
Ahhhh I love daemon alternative universes! I think you picked perfect animals for each of the musketeers and the way you re-drafted different moments was just perfect squeeeee Also soo many feels with D'artagnan and Astraea, I'm glad you reunited them at the end of the fic (it was so cute!)
I wouldn't mind seeing the final episode of season 1 (Musketeers don't die easily- I think that's what it's called) set in this universe! If you could write that I would very much enjoy it... ;) *hint hint wink nudge*
I happened to notice that you named Miladys daemon Eoin... Whilst I did read your authors notes on what this was supposed to mean I can't help but wonder if you are familiar with a certain bbc Irish actor from a show very similar to the musketeers... Eh maybe it's just me being me
Aisling Moon chapter 48 . 12/28/2015
Oh my gosh I loved this chapter! The writing was exquisite and the choice of daemons for everyone was really accurate. I think my favorite part was how well you wrote the divide between D'art and Astrea. The subtle hints, how everyone else noticed but said nothing, the healing... Excellent work!
Debbie chapter 43 . 12/28/2015
I've been meaning to ask you if you were going to continue with Soldatino? You left off at pt. 4? Thanks!
daisy chain chapter 48 . 12/28/2015
Well I loved that. I've come across two daemon musketeer fics before and I didn't realise how perfectly the two worlds worked together. I've been fascinated to see which daemons writers have chosen for the characters. This one worked well. I wondered at your choice for Aramis. He's always felt like he'd be the one sporting the fox daemon, but I knew you'd have some sort of explanations for your choices at the end and I was eager to read it. I see why you chose a deer based on its meaning. I enjoyed the structure of the story as well. Snippets and moments. Especially that wee one between the queen and her daemon. It's nice to wonder at small moments like that with characters who don't get much screen time for development on the show. I'm hoping you're inspired to continue in this universe. I enjoy reading these daemon fics but as they're few and far between they always tend to be like origin stories. I would dearly love a completely original story that focused around this world. Well done!
SindarDragonRider chapter 47 . 12/28/2015
And (late) happy holidays to you too :)

I can totally imagine their first anniversary to go like that - both would definitely be too shy, then d'Artagnan would make a quiet comment, Constance would tease him slightly about it, and IT'S JUST SO PERFECT

And may I just say how amusing I find the whole 'rapscallion' thing and how the phrase keeps appearing? It's so true, though. (The word rapscallion makes me think of reptiles. Imagine the four of them as reptiles... Aramis would be the shiny one, Athos would be the one whose scales you could tell had once been shiny but were now all scarred, Porthos would be the biggest one with slightly scarred and some strong, shiny scales and, of course, the scar over his eye, and d'Artagnan would be the one with the slightly under-developed scales but you can tell they will be really shiny and nice when he gets bigger. I think Athos would be dark blue and/or light brown, Aramis would be light blue, white/cream and/or brown, d'Artagnan would be orange and Porthos would be either bronze, silver or purple (don't ask why purple - I don't know) hehe... a lizard AU...) Now what was I actually talking abour before I wrote probably half the review about lizards...

Ah yes. Aramis was so charming in that first part. I love Aramis and Constance - it's so cute in that brother-sister way and I LOVE IT SO MUCH JUST FTJNXEYCWSJIJGRSJKAgjceikxrjnstiurwsscjkogf *descends into gibberish* ...


Okay... I also love the idea of Athos being there with d'Artagnan on their first anniversary; after all, Athos did take Constance down the isle when they got married... Oh, and Aramis takes her there to make up for the fact that he wasn't there at the wedding... *cries*

So beautiful...

Everything was written so well, and while I'm sad this little story section is coming to an end, I can't wait to see what's next :)
SindarDragonRider chapter 46 . 12/28/2015
I'm so sorry for a late review, but I was with my grandparents for Christmas and I completely forgot to check my emails...

Whoops... *laughs guiltily* Ah well, here I am. So let the actual review begin :) *gestures ominously*

YOU WROTE PORTHOS SO WELL IT WAS AMAZING I COULD ACTUALLY HEAR HIM SAYING EVERY WORD IT WAS THAT GOOD :D And Constance - poor Constance - was great too. I'm so glad you added that part near the end about Porthos and how people see him; I agree. I hate how people are just so stereotypical about him. He does have character, though many choose not to see that, and it's a complex character.

I do hope that d'Artagnan does teach Constance all of that in/by Series 3.

That interaction between Constance and Porthos was lovely and should definitely happen more in the show. Constance's thoughts throughout (hehe that looks and sounds strange) were really interesting too.

Sorry that was kinda short; I kept getting interrupted and kept forgetting what I was going to write. *mentally Constance-slaps brain* Come on Brain, I've already... been... awake for... an hour... *yawns*
Bookdancer chapter 48 . 12/28/2015
Oh, wow... this is, by far, one of the most beautiful pieces that I think I've ever read, particularly on FanFiction. Wonderfully well written, and the daemon idea is one that I've never read before... Just a bit of advice: It took me forever to figure out what animals the daemons were unless they were explicitly stated, and I feel like that took a bit away from the beauty of the piece's imagery, because I couldn't actually picture them... instead, they were just kind of there, this idea that wasn't fully formed... it was still an excellent piece, but I think it would have been nice to know what the daemons were specifically.

Like I already said, this was a beautiful piece. Excellent job with it! :)
alyslee chapter 30 . 12/27/2015
brilliant, heartbreaking! I read it 3 times, finding something new each time.
Tidia chapter 48 . 12/27/2015
What surprised me was the conflict between dartagnan and his daemon. Was it him or her? Her blaming him that she changed or her not liking her new form? And everyone can see there is an issue but no one save athos when forced intervenes? I hope you continue this .
Sarah chapter 47 . 12/27/2015
Awww. That was adorable.
Margret15 chapter 47 . 12/25/2015
I enjoyed this last installment so very much, BlackBandit! Finally Constance, the kindest and bravest woman ever known, is taken care of. First by Aramis, always the gentleman and the caring friend and then by her husband, the only man she has "ever loved or will ever love".
I love every word of this beautiful piece of Constance/d Artagnan cuteness. If I could simply jump into your story, I would love to volunteer to get the supplies for their month of fluffiness.
Wonderful idea of yours to let us see the vulnerable side of Constance as well. All of them have had
real hard times, but she had to cope with the additional burden of M. Bonacieux death and all those conflicted feeling inflicted by this.
But in the end she does right in feeling "... they were alright, everything was alright, because
d Artagnan was here ... who loved her with all his heart... who was warm and safe..."

Thank you for gifting us with this wonderful chapter. I really love it!

Happy Holidays! See you in 2016!
Guest chapter 47 . 12/25/2015
Can u please update because he was alone soon. I need to find out what happens next so please updates soon.
Tidia chapter 47 . 12/24/2015
So sweet and happy and filled with love
SupernaturalBaby4Life chapter 47 . 12/24/2015
perfect Christmas feels :D
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