Reviews for Nouvelle
BowenStoryteller chapter 28 . 1/18
Amazing story! Channeled the essence of SnS better than any other fanfiction I've read. Something about the story felt incredibly alive, probably because of your overflowing passion over many years and industry experience! Admired your no character left behind approach. Everyone got a moment to shine or stand out. Got proper post book blues: gonna mourn your versions of these blorbos for a few days (which is the highest compliment I can give)!
Rue-Ryuzaki chapter 1 . 12/2/2024
I always come back to this story whenever I need my Sorina fix, almost like an addict, and it's time for that again. So don't mind me. Just gonna be rereading the best Shokugeki fanfic there is. Thank you so much for it btw!
Obsidian Dreamweaver chapter 28 . 10/23/2024

I hope this message finds you well. I recently had the pleasure of reading your story, "Nouvelle," and was truly captivated by its unique narrative and creativity. The depth and imagination in your work inspired me, and I believe it would translate beautifully into a visually compelling comic book.

As a professional comic artist, I would love to collaborate with you to bring your vision to life as a fully illustrated comic. This project would be commission-based, and I would work closely with you to ensure that every page captures the essence of your story.

If this opportunity excites you, I’d be happy to discuss the process in more detail, including pricing, timelines, and any creative ideas you have in mind.

Please feel free to reach out to me via any of the following:

Discord: lydiacrazy
Instagram: lydiacrazy1

Email: lydiacrazy88 gmail . com

Thank you for considering this collaboration. I look forward to the possibility of working together to create something truly extraordinary!

Best regards,
Lydia Crazy
Professional Commission Comic Artist
Hakima chapter 1 . 10/13/2024
So I just marathoned the prequel and this story in about 3 days while I'm home sick. This story was great! I was surprised that I enjoyed a lot of the OCs as much as I did.

Sometimes, the names got to be a bit much with how many characters were involved. The scenes could be hard to keep track of and occasionally it felt like we lost the plot a bit too much. Especially during the scene singing "No Matter What"; it made me laugh, but it also really took a lot of tension away from these guys that were supposed to be cutthroat killers.

And yet this story is easily top 5 stories I've read across all fanfiction. It was amazing. Genuinely. Bravo man. I hope to see more Food Wars stuff from you, because this is the best story in the entire fandom by far in my opinion. You brought something amazing to life.
Ghidora69420 chapter 1 . 8/17/2024
I'm here man. Rereading this. I just can't help myself.
IceColdSea chapter 15 . 8/16/2024
Hey so, originally I was gonna put some of this into the weekly Classique review but hmm, for completely to me unbeknownst reasons, I suddenly thought that I could say some of this here, since this is the story that originally introduced Yukichiko, I thought why not say some of this here.

I like her, I think she’s one of the “Nouvelle”-OCs, I’ve enjoyed most next to Ava (who I adore). Earnestly, when first getting to meet her, I had such trouble to picture Eizan with a sister - but for the verse, you really did make it work and a lot of their interactions felt really the most authentically sibling-like. But I think I remember her interactions with Soma also being quite fun.

And again, Eizan in “Nouvelle” has remained one of my favorite takes of him. It’s exactly how I wished canon could have utilised him, so kudos for the expansion and the imagination.
E-LuckArcher chapter 20 . 8/14/2024
While there are good things about this chapter and the one before it... I can't help but get annoyed because of the contrived ways the plot bends to keep Eizan in the plot.

Honestly, even on re-read I don't get why you made Eizan more than he is. It seems, just like Megumi, he's your favourite because he's a one-note character in canon and a mere 9th seat yet 2/3 of this fic is about him and his family with the plot always happening to keep his ass being saved and involved. From the meth plot, to "oh what a coincidence" they end up clashing with his family, to Azami just sending the text in time to save Eizan's ass from being crushed by 2nd day... It's annoying and done for an annoying and uninteresting character
E-LuckArcher chapter 14 . 8/12/2024
One thing this story does great is the relationship and interactions between Erina and Soma. This chapter was just great
E-LuckArcher chapter 12 . 8/12/2024
On the other hand, I love Ryou (though I don't ship him with Alice at all), so him helping our boy here was great

Love the talk with Erina and her reaction
E-LuckArcher chapter 11 . 8/12/2024
Rereading now. I dislike Megumi and found her utterly bland and boring. But it's clear she's your most favourite character with the "wank" as they say and how the story is trying to treat her as if she's the best (as a person, though there are obvious gasing up of her skills too) and oh so great.

Certainly the most annoying thing about the story (aside from the bullshit plot with the meth)
NaNaNaNa chapter 29 . 8/11/2024
If possible, I'd love a Sōma/Rindou fic. I think they work well together, and their personalities fit each other perfectly. It's also a very rare pair.
E-LuckArcher chapter 29 . 8/11/2024
If you go with a long fic for this series too, then I'm voting for a Soma/Alice fic. It'll be a good change of pace and something unique in this fandom
Agent Venom alias Thompson fl chapter 28 . 8/4/2024
what happened in the summer of 59 that senzaemon won't stop talking
Dragneel03 chapter 29 . 8/4/2024
i hope you continue making sorina fic, i love yours
Can'tComeUpWithName chapter 29 . 8/4/2024
Oh, I support the idea of Alice/Souma/Erina fic mentioned in another comment. Ryou and Alice always felt like siblings to me, and I do believe Alice and Souma had some nice chemistry whenever they interacted
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