Reviews for To Be A King
Guest chapter 27 . 8/14/2015
This story is one of my all time favourites! This is my second time reading it! I don't know if you will, but I'd love to read a sequel and maybe see if Merlin ever got married and crowned a queen! But this story is just so good! :)
The Hope Lions chapter 27 . 8/5/2015
I can think of three times I've opened this story to read but, because of the length never got to it. Well I'm so glad I finally did. It was truly one of the most incredible fics i've ever read. Probably my favorite non-Mergana that's for sure. Truly it's incredible. Thank you for your story
xxxLeanniexxx chapter 27 . 7/26/2015
Absolutely brilliant
wannabepuck127 chapter 27 . 7/7/2015
and quick question, have you read the False Prince Trilogy, because I thought I recognized some names... if not, I highly recommend it!
Snowball519 chapter 16 . 6/19/2015
... Yes... Just yes
pattersonfan chapter 27 . 6/12/2015
Can you please pm if you decide to write a sequel?
LifeIndeed chapter 19 . 6/8/2015
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeverything about this chapter. Everything. I may likely well be proven wrong in the coming chapters, but at least at this moment this is my favorite part. Not only just because its just amazing, but because its the PINNACLE of the all character arcs I've watched develop as a reader throughout this entire story. Every way these lovely people have changed, for the better, are not only getting recognized but also making them more capable of the trials ahead. It feels as if this great battle between good and evil could not have been won unless good became great, and the things you've put these characters through have made them great. That is such an amazing thing to see. When I watch Merlin the show I know everything will pull through because that's how it has to be. Reading this, I know because these characters have the /strength/ to pull through. What an amazing difference it makes.
A few little side notes: Spirit Merlin evaporating just before actually reappearing just so he could hug Arthur *\/* Could I have GAAHHHHED more? I don't think so.
Also, the two of them reuniting and being so happy because Arthur understands and Merlin feels loved that Merlin forgets Camelot is in danger? Adorable AND priceless. Wow you get to me with this stuff.
Can't wait to keep going!
LifeIndeed chapter 18 . 5/31/2015
MERLIN'S 'ALOOF CALLOUSNESS' IN THIS SCENE. There is really too much to love about this chapter, but I figured I'd start out with my favorite, which is definitely that.
Other things to love: Morgana shrieking, spitting and sneering (great replacements for said, by the way) all the day long, poor Merlin feeling the blow of her words because he actually thinks Arthur doesn't want him in Camelot anymore - only because I can't wait for Arthur to prove him wrong - and that hilarious reaction when it slowly dawned on her that Merlin was Emrys all along. For some reason I have always found it hysterical how scared and almost /reverent/ Morgana is of the name Emrys in the TV series, and you very nicely played that off here as well.
But DANG. This is how the whole shibang with Morgana is going to go down. She thinks she has the upperhand, but little does she (and quite possibly Merlin) know how much Camelot is changing. I bet the two armies could reunite, magical and nonmagical together, with how Arthur is ruling now. Which would be so so so amazing. YES, this needs to happen, and Arthur and Merlin need to have a hardcore talk it out, bromance style, and gaaaahhhh I can't wait! (Unfortunately I still have to. XP)
LifeIndeed chapter 17 . 5/31/2015
First of all, Merlin creating whole FISSURES IN THE GROUND. This is sooooo cool, such a neat idea, goodness I am loving the new magic incorporated into this story. Merlin BBC's magic could get rather bland and predictable, so its especially refreshing. This chapter starting off with a magic duel, or more like a mock mage BATTLE with everyone pitted against Merlin, was honestly so awesome. I was so wrapped up in it, and loved especially that little detail of how he was sweating more from the sun than from actual exertion. HA! BAMF!Merlin is the best.
But then Mordred and Merlin tearing my heart out. Uggggggghhhh you got me on that one. I mean I already totally was routing for their friendship anyway, but I had no idea I needed this conversation until you gave it to me. Merlin trusting Mordred with the prophecy was the final barrier breaking down between them, and I really truly think Merlin telling this Mordred, and canon Mordred, will/would have made all the difference. I guess we'll see, but I'm pretty positive.
Okay, but this cliffhanger! Seriously! I can't sleep, I have to keep on now, dang it. Oh well. Can't wait to see this upcoming conversation ;)
The Chartreuse Pimpernel chapter 27 . 5/31/2015
AMAZING story.
cflat chapter 27 . 5/28/2015
I've been trying to find a good Royal!Merlin story for a while and I'm glad that I finally found one that's really great and complete! How Merlin found out about his family history was great and everyone's reaction to him being royal was in canon; I also liked Arthur's immediate reaction to Merlin's powers. And I like that Mordred stayed good in this story. I never really cared for how they had him turn evil in the show, otherwise, I liked the actor for adult Mordred.

If you get around to doing a sequel, it would be great if you had Princess Mithian in there; it would be great to see how she and/or her father would react now that Merlin's king of his own country.
yanoe chapter 27 . 5/26/2015
First of all: THANK YOU for this wonderful story!
Your Merlin is perfect! (BAMF but soft, cool but cute...)
It's so rare to read prince Merlin especially one who's finished. So thank you, thank you, thank you.
I'll be wtching for a sequel but you ended this one well. It lets questions but give a sense of happy ending.
Great job, really!

Bonne journée
Dream's Abyss chapter 27 . 5/23/2015
I enjoyed this story. However, I don't understand why you decided to change Lord Pellinor to lady Pellinor midway. You explained it, but I don't think it changes the story any. Also, since the character is Lord Pellinor in earlier chapter still, and only Lady Pellinor once in later chapters, it just seems more trouble and complicated than it is worth.
LifeIndeed chapter 16 . 5/21/2015
So much to love. Merlin and Arthur, on opposite sides of the five kingdoms, bringing both justice and mercy in part to their kingdoms! Merlin using his humble beginnings to understand the downtrodden in Carthis, Arthur using his new understanding of magic to show mercy to the cutey witch and revoke the ban on magic! HUZZAH! These two sovereigns have my heart.
The foreshadowing about Morgana is effectively creeping me out, by the way. If Arthur is right, which I assume he is, it explains soooo much why Morgana is being sighted in Carthis or its border or wherever. She's onto Merlin! I guess it could equally be that she's hoping for the throne herself and unaware it is not taken, but Arthur's theory seems even more likely!
Favoritte part of this chapter: "But the law, sire!" "/My word/ is law," Arthur said, his voice ringing with undeniable authority.
Basically, I was all like, THAT'S RIGHT. UNDENIABLE, FOOLS.
LifeIndeed chapter 15 . 5/21/2015
Fanfiction writers have no inbetween - its either tear out my heart or make me squee with joy. Maybe that's why I read so much (when I can), eh?
This chapter was of the squee variety for me. I loooooove love love love Merlin in this chapter, my goodness. He is SO ON POINT. That little thing about his uncomfortable crown being interspersed throughout the whole scene, for some reason it just made me so happy. I have no clue. On top of that, Ellison being PUT IN HIS PLACE THAT'S RIGHT SON, right in front of the whole council by King Merlin. GAAAHHHH THAT WAS SO COOL. And then Merlin calling him to stay behind like a naughty schoolboy by his teacher, hehehe. Of course, their actual conversation was actually sort of awwww worthy, I don't know how you did that. By the end of it I was annoyingly hopeful maybe these two can salvage a relationship of some kind, maybe akin to Arthur and Merlin's even! (Though never as close, let's be real).
And then Arthur finding out about Merlin's many heroic deeds! That always fulfills my needs as a Merlin fan in a way the show never managed, so thank you. The cliffhanger, though! Man, it was hard to pause and review when next up Arthur is going to have to face the fact Camelot still bans magic! (At least, that's my guess as to the purpose of this witch. Camelot still bans magic, right? Its been awhile, sorry). Can't wait to keep reading!
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