Reviews for Memories of a broken soul
BigLizard chapter 29 . 5/10/2024
this is actually written really well, genuinely excited for your next update and how this will all end since the future is in complete unknown territory :0
BigLizard chapter 26 . 5/10/2024
does zangestsu hear this god dialogue? what were they doing and where were they when ichigo was pulled into the god's mindscape? is there like...a godly presence in ichigo's innerworld now too or is it kind of like a floating voice they can only partially understand?
BigLizard chapter 24 . 5/10/2024
"I see you were able to join me in my mind palace. Welcome Shiba Ichigo." The person elaborated. ...
Ichigo felt the hairs on the back of his neck raise and a chill go down his spine as his eyes widened in utter bewilderment. This was the Spirit King."
i cannot tell you the passion in my voice when i yelled "THE SPIRIT KING?!" just like that meme of "IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER?!"
rainbowfiredrake chapter 29 . 5/5/2024
I love this so much! It has been so long since I read this fic, but when I saw that it had been updated I read through the whole thing and it is still as good as I remember! I am so glad that you are still writing this! Thank you for this chapter!
Guest chapter 29 . 4/30/2024
Love this fic, followed from the get go. But please give Ichigo a woman, even an oc will do. His been a virgin for a 1000yrs
Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahah chapter 29 . 4/30/2024
dang dang dang my dude. litterary mastery there. like a year ago since i read the first chapters but it all makes sense! 33
Lil Mexican chapter 29 . 4/29/2024
Im so sirprosed you updated so soon! Very happy! And i did notice all those things! Cant wait to see ichigo being all bothered at people realizing he is a god soon hahahah! And Aizen must be SHOOK
ScarletRoofs chapter 29 . 4/29/2024
Revelations! That was a great chapter. Its making me think even though i just got out of an exam, lol. Really enjoyed this. Thanks for the update!
buterflypuss chapter 29 . 4/28/2024
good chap
popcornrocks13 chapter 29 . 4/28/2024
Your take on the roles of the great clans explains so much of how and why canon got to be so bad. Its a great story and its amazing to see everything start to come together. All those random bits of info that we didnt think about, such as the clans being at least at the 20th head actually being important and not just a throwaway line is phenomenal.

Ichigos godliness actually being relevant now and not at some faraway place in the story is like the cherry on top of a magnificent sundae.
YasLuna chapter 29 . 4/28/2024
thank you for the update!
TheAbsoluteZero chapter 28 . 4/28/2024
Been a long time, still good
Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahah chapter 28 . 4/24/2024
Kyaaaah, it is still SOOO good! so happy you are picking up this story. loving how awkward of a godling ichigo is, so on-brand for him. also i dont mind the pace at all. i just mind not having more chappies to binge.
jharrell819 chapter 28 . 4/23/2024
It's been so long I had to reread everything tbh it was at the bottom of my list since I didn't read the title. Great chapter if sad. I can't wait to see more chapters.
TITAN URANUS chapter 14 . 4/22/2024
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