Reviews for Serpents and Celestial Bronze
WhiteElfElder chapter 12 . 12/18/2024
Welcome to a new life, new world, and a happier time.
WhiteElfElder chapter 11 . 12/18/2024
Oh boy...too much interest in a pocket space that was supposed to be a safe has two primordials playing with it.
ObsessedwReading chapter 12 . 12/15/2024
I am disappointed that there isn't more chapters to this. Do you plan to continue the story? If you do will you bring in Piper, Leo, Frank, and Hazel?
TigerAkemi1 chapter 1 . 10/17/2024
I love rereading this story, it's one of my favorites!
KuroKitsuneNoYoko chapter 12 . 10/11/2024
Still love this!
5012 chapter 12 . 10/3/2024
You mde a “slice of life” fan fiction before anyone else. Well done
Motherofthehorde chapter 11 . 9/19/2024
This was fun. Thank you for taking the time to write this.
MajesticZ3BR4 chapter 6 . 9/9/2024
House omg love the reference
MajesticZ3BR4 chapter 2 . 9/9/2024
And btw i friggin love the billy and mandy references
MajesticZ3BR4 chapter 2 . 9/9/2024
Don’t listen to that one person
Potternatzu chapter 12 . 8/22/2024
only just found this story and found it brilliant hope it gets picked back up soon
Vendori chapter 12 . 8/2/2024
Amazing story, I come back to read this often. Definitely has a special place in my heart
Drakena chapter 12 . 7/9/2024
Yeah we need more this is to good a story
LittleBoyDeath chapter 12 . 6/18/2024
Please continue! This is so utterly amazing that I’ve read it numerous times in the few months that I’ve discovered it. I love how this works and would honestly love to see how they find out that Harry is a Gorgon and whether they accept him, especially if Hestia points out that he’s a Hearth-Keeper and Guardian and would become the God of Fathers if he ever took up godhood.
Wackuhdoodle chapter 12 . 5/22/2024
I don’t know if you’re still even on this site anymore, but if you are, pretty please continue this story!
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