Reviews for Lady of the Lake
Tony Moonstone chapter 50 . 1/23
This was very different kind of story for me to read.
I've never read Heemione as a Dark Lady before and I was quite surprised of the direction you took.
It's very refreshing to read something new.
Thanks so much for writing it.
Take care and be well!
Tony Moonstone chapter 44 . 1/22
You are the first author to make Shaklebolt a disgusting bad person in the story.
What he did was truly unforgivable he deserves what he gets.
6 chapters to go.
Take care and be well!
Tony Moonstone chapter 33 . 1/22
In all the stories I've ever read, I've never seen a Blaise/Luna pairing before. Unusual but good.
Onward I read.
Take care and be well!
Tony Moonstone chapter 32 . 1/21
I feel so devastated for Hermione.
Thank God he's dead now for what he did.
Draco will probably find a way to fire the Aurors who refused to do their jobs.
Onward I read.
Take care and be well!
Tony Moonstone chapter 24 . 1/21
It's very refreshing seeing Harry as a very unlikable character. I've seen Ron plenty but seeing Harry act like a total prat is shocking to read about.
Keep going Lady Hermione your goal is almost there.
I support you if I could.
Onward I read.
Take care and be well!
Tony Moonstone chapter 16 . 1/20
Reading Hermione put 3 former Slytherins in their place was PRICELESS!
Loving this story more and more.
Onward I read.
Take care and be well!
Tony Moonstone chapter 3 . 1/19
I’m the first reviewer of 2025, since 2024. Wahoo!
I can count on one hand how many Dramione stories I’ve read and each one was AWESOME!
This one is intriguing especially when I’ve NEVER seen Hermione as a Dark Lady with Draco siding with her.
I can’t wait to see how this story plays out.
Onward I read.
Take care and be well!
LeafyKayla chapter 33 . 12/9/2024
Ahh Bluna my loves 3
LeafyKayla chapter 26 . 12/8/2024
Ahh did i forget to mention that i love love love luna ! She is a walking riddle and only those who are smart enough and willing to understand actually do. Her character is so refreshing and i think she adds so much to any HP fic. Ahh my heart xx
LeafyKayla chapter 24 . 12/8/2024
I wont lie i was very apprehensive coming into this fic but i can say i am now whole heartedly in love ! What a treasure. Im not normally ones for this type of dark hermione with harry bashing (fuck ron) but im loving every but if this. I get the feeling like im reading a wizarding version of ‘Fight Club’ with the whole political take over and the everyday folk like waiting staff being in on it. *chef’s kiss* amazing xx
Nblanco chapter 49 . 10/24/2024
Wow. Im blown away. I dont think ive put my phone down in 24 hours. The complexity of the story and your style of wrting? Chefs kiss forreal
pippinincarnate chapter 42 . 9/20/2024
i mean, anglo-saxon kingship, rings that turn you into servile wraiths, poh-tay-toh, poh-tah-toh, neh?
pippinincarnate chapter 36 . 9/20/2024
damnnnn, titus andronicus? that's how you know this fic will give you no shit lmao
pippinincarnate chapter 16 . 9/19/2024
manipulative Luna is the best Luna. i wasn't aware it was a debated topic.
W. L. O'Fallon chapter 50 . 8/20/2024
Really loved this
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