Reviews for Heroes Never Die
Warrior0974 chapter 8 . 1/8
This story is epic love to see it continue
misszoey2011 chapter 8 . 1/26/2024
I like it. Hope you continue.
Winsome248 chapter 1 . 1/15/2024
That was excellent! Can you write sequel?
Raizing12 chapter 8 . 8/17/2023
I agree, very good story
Andrew Lee Houghton chapter 1 . 6/18/2023
ok what the hell
Viera9118 chapter 1 . 4/22/2023
Please continue this story, it is very good.
ptitcloudax chapter 8 . 1/5/2023
I enjoyed this quite a bit. Have you written the sequel under another name or on another site?
ak chapter 8 . 11/11/2022
bonne fic!
Thumper1776 chapter 8 . 4/13/2022
Dude. Duude. DUUUUUDE. That was awesome. I hope you are still around. Chris
naru namikaze360 chapter 8 . 1/10/2022
Maybe perhaps someday you’ll update, I love this
bigmac2759 chapter 3 . 9/29/2021
Sam is a scientist first and foremost. You cannot have an effect without a cause. I can see her brain going into vapor-lock over magic. Janet/Harry calling magic "undiscovered physics" is a stroke of genius to get around Sam's logic. Great story.
bigmac2759 chapter 2 . 9/29/2021
I can see Sam having a real problem with magic. Science and magic don't mix well, logically speaking.
bigmac2759 chapter 1 . 9/29/2021
This is off to a great start. I don't remember ever reading a story with Harry becoming Janet. This could be a lot of fun.
sayianhund chapter 6 . 7/27/2021
I found your first chapter interesting so read more but I'm getting really confused how can there be two harry? Gender change or not there still harry. I'm honestly lost here.
stacygrrl2002 chapter 8 . 6/21/2021
that was intense and well written. excellent research and imagination
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