Reviews for Seventh Horcrux
TheOmnificentOne chapter 21 . 16h
making Harry and Voldemort the same was hilarious. I found it especially funny that Dumbledore was so unnerved by tom but adores harry even though they act the same
magocrat777 chapter 22 . 1/17
best fanfiction in the fucking world bro.
Nix chapter 1 . 1/6
What would happen if Voldemort re-absorbed his other horcrux soul fragments into himself.

Could he become stronger.
Jimbocous chapter 22 . 1/5
Thanks for an enjoyable if insane romp through canon. Well done!
MS chapter 1 . 1/1
I just read this chapter, and I love it, but I am confused. The soul that is known as ‘Harry Potter’ controls the body known as ‘Harry Potter’. The 0.125 of Voldemort’s soul is just tagging along, and has no real control over Harry.
SirRealism chapter 20 . 1/2
Still a delightful story. I am glad I reread it.
bardockssj4 chapter 9 . 12/29/2024
I reread this one every few months! Such an original and ticklishly funny story!
Lamorak Korving chapter 2 . 12/8/2024
So, Harry is a Dark Lord, eh? I must admit, he does seem rather talented at it.
Guest chapter 13 . 11/28/2024
This is a great story. It is great. I really like it. It is funny too. :-)) And breaking the fourth wall a little *
The Wanderer chapter 1 . 11/27/2024
dysphere chapter 16 . 11/2/2024
I love the running gag for ron's lycanthropy and how he totally forgets that he was the one who started the rumor.
IronHair chapter 1 . 10/22/2024
HighRollerbutImSober chapter 9 . 10/16/2024
Crazy. Letting Pettigrew get eaten for pure humor even though it affects the plot lol.
Guest chapter 22 . 10/4/2024
This is on of the funniest and cleverly written stories I have ever read. Loved it!
nailahjuliana0 chapter 4 . 9/20/2024
Lol. Hermiones boggart had me cackling
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