Reviews for The Ash Connection II: The Rising
Guest chapter 1 . 9/24/2020
Really amazing work, the whole series has probably been the best fan fiction of any kind I’ve ever read. Great writing, great character development (no character feels neglected or secondary), really phenomenal all around.

Loved Everything Else as well, can’t wait for The Ash Connection III! Keep up the great work!
Stoner63reflex chapter 32 . 6/2/2020
This is a nice "real world" or "modern" society look on pokemon I will admit, although I feel as if you get a little too detailed, not that that's a bad thing but a little too much exposition gets a little annoying, still this story is well written and your writing skills are definitely pro, but I expect no less from a teacher lol. It's just not the kind of thing for me though, I prefer the more "simplistic" view on pokemon with more action in it. I like seriousness don't get me wrong but I like it without the angst and the bullshit, I just hate in stories where everyone is all depressed and bringing people down with them instead of breaking through and moving on. Your not gonna get any better just moping around. That's why the manga is the best imo because it's more mature and is an uncensored version of pokemon but even when shit hits the fan the characters are still humorous and lighthearted about it. I guess I'm just more of a rational kind of guy I don't take things seriously even when it's a big deal, simply because it is what it is. That's another reason dragon ball is so good because even in the toughest situations they find a way to laugh about it. Either way though great fic and can't wait to see what the third will be like. Hopefully the gang are all married and getting on with their lives but only time will tell.
C'sMelody chapter 32 . 5/29/2020
So I suck and I didn't write a review for every single chapter. I was so caught up in the story that I just wanted to know what came next. It's both ironic and amazing that I decided to read this during quarantine, eh.

But back to you. Man, what a ride. I didn't read this one right after finishing TAC because I was still reeling from how good it was, so I needed some memory refreshers. But honestly, this is my new canon. Stories like this are the reason why I love fanfiction. The work and thought put into it are mesmerizing and I appreciate every single word. I especially love what you did with Leaf, Paul, Iris and Burgundy. Gary and Cilan were also great in this. I loved that last exchange between Gary and Leaf at the end of chapter 30. So precious. A part of me wanted a different ending for May, but I can't argue with your reasoning, and ultimately it was for the best.

There's a lot more things to say, but I'd be here all day. Just know that I loved it and am very grateful to you for writing it.
Poke07 chapter 32 . 3/8/2020
I enjoyed this story very much... Very nicely written... I don't know why I hadn't read this before... Though I wanted to ask this, are you going to write a third installment in this series?
AgentBrian chapter 32 . 3/6/2020
Awesome. Mind blowing! Care to tell when the trilogy is coming? I am waiting for it!
C'sMelody chapter 2 . 2/29/2020
The tenderness between Iris and Cilan is EVERYTHING. I love how you portray them, and the sharp contrast with Paul and Dawn's seemingly distant and cold relationship (can't wait to get into that. I've so loved your Paul thus far).
There's also Drew getting that big job and his father's name still haunting him everywhere he goes. I have a feeling it'll come to bite him.
I also loved Leaf being all business but still bickering with Gary. Still, Trip is definitely the hero of the day! He got that shot and prevented a murder. Talk about successful.
And I especially like that you gave Iris less than ideal circumstances to deal with. Tensions are definitely high and I can't wait to see how the team is going to deal with it and maybe (probably) Team Plasma. Besides, who knows what Silver is up to now?
C'sMelody chapter 1 . 2/29/2020
I told myself I would leave you a big fat review at the end of TAC to show just how much I loved it and appreciated the work you'd put into it, but I suck, so I'm not waiting until I get to the last chapter this time!

This prologue sets the tone really nicely. It shows us just enough about how everyone's doing without going into much detail and being info-dumpy, and there's already quite a nice amount of foreshadowing! I just know I'm going to love this. Thanks in advance for making my days better. ;)
Rustyflyer chapter 1 . 1/2/2020
Wow, this was an amazing story. You have a way with words. I love the messages you convey. The conversation of Barry and iris over the phone and Zoey with Paul. You tackle real world problems that reads can relate too. This has been one of the best things I’ve read. I pray even thou it’s been some time, that in the new decade we get to see the last installment. Thank you all for the wonderful work.
JellyLollie chapter 20 . 10/5/2019
I'm really really physically and emotionally drained right now. Made the mistake of reading TAC again...Tears started when Barry and Iris were talking on the phone. More tears during Iris' speech about the children's deaths being on her... Now imy crying in public. Good thing I brought my sunglasses
Guest chapter 1 . 9/19/2019
You are a very talented writer! This is a great story and I can not wait to read the sequel!
patman2 chapter 1 . 7/4/2019
VeronMic chapter 32 . 4/6/2019 a third installment still in the works? Your story is very awesome! It's been a few years since I read it, but I still remember quite a bit. u Still looking forward to more!
C chapter 31 . 10/17/2018
I’m rereading this chapter because of Everything Else and things just make more sense. The last part in this chapter always makes me emotional too.
thelittlepandagirl chapter 32 . 10/16/2018
I'm proud of myself for powering through this fic despite my heavy workload the past few days. Worth staying up at night lol. I loved this more than the first, probably because I was already invested in the characters. One of the best parts for me was Silver finally getting his closure on Team Rocket. Also three of them? Does that mean what I think it means?

There were times I got confused on the flashbacks though. I normally breeze through the dates at the start of the passage so I get a bit lost at the changes. Then I go back up at the dates and mentally compute how long ago it was lol.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to the third installment. Probably has something to do with what Lance was checking during the Championship battle.
BlackStellar chapter 32 . 9/10/2018
You got me hook up since Book 1 and this, it's nearly perfect! I love the narratives how you portray the characters here like even if they are jus the minor ones, you give them some relevance in the story. And the wits that always make me laugh and the feels! Uggh there are parts that I tear up and cry. I can really feel your passion as a writer and a Pokemon fan pouring in the story. In addition, the best thing about here also is you made me fall in love with the pairings. Overall, I enjoy the story just like how I enjoy the first part. I dont think I can find another Pokemon fanfic that can really blow my mind like how this fanfic did to me. I'm looking forward for the third installment!
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