Reviews for The Ash Connection II: The Rising
Guest chapter 4 . 11/17/2017
I love that there are so many scenes focused on Iris, because I really love Iris. But it makes me feel bad that she is stuck in so much trouble! I really like how Paul is encouraging and helping her though. It's a really sweet detail.

Adalet entering the picture is interesting! I wonder what this will bring to the story. I feel like Adalet is the one that will be chosen, but I really don't know.

I also feel like Ritchie did a good thing refusing to be ref! I had a bad feeling when Leaf suggested it and I am glad that it didn't went that road. I still feel like Leaf is so cold lmao I really can't explain (Not that I am complaining!) Maybe I will understand more in the future.

Ash caring about Lileep and wondering if it's going to miss it's friends is so sweet and cute. Truly Ash! I am glad.
Guest chapter 3 . 11/17/2017
It's almost obvious that you are a teacher, because the plan Cilan did for his class is like the most believable class plan I have ever seen in fanfics lmao Reading it, I almost thought I was reading a real plan for a class (only Cilan's plan seems fair, while my University classes were absolutely not fair lmao).

The wishful moment makes a huge contrast compared to the ikari moments. It really feels like Paul and Dawn are having some problems. But it really is a huge difference reading the seen with Iris and Cilan where everything is touching and supportive then arriving to Dawn and Paul and seeing that things are...lacking? I hope it will get better for them!
Guest chapter 2 . 11/16/2017
Love that Iris is the star here! Sad that someone (or multiple people?) wants to shoot her. Love the wishfulshipping moments! I can seriously say they were my favourite because you wrote them so naturally. It looks so much like how they would react if they were a couple and I appreciate it!

I don't know how I feel about Leaf. She is being professional here, but she seems more distant and cold? I am not sure, and only time will tell lmao
jbadillodavila chapter 1 . 11/8/2017
Genial jj
ZBDragon chapter 32 . 10/29/2017
Hey there ! A friend of mine have been begging me to read this story for like a year now and since i'm a slow reader i finished it just now '

But it is seriously amazing ! I have read quite a lot of pokemon fanfic and this is definitely one of my favorite, maybe even my number one to be honest.

I have both laughed and cried reading it and i felt really invested in the characters (and soooo frustrated when they were missing what was obvious to us just by some lack of communication... but in a good way :3). I'm really impressed by the writing of the battles too ! They're intense and plausible (as much as magical creatures fighting can be lmao).

I love that you added Leaf as a character and i really like what you've done with her. I don't think i'd appreciate her as a person but she's a great character in my opinion. Also the way you've written the league and how you handled the press coverage ...
Basically i think i love everything x)

Anyway i really hope the idea of a third story is still on because i'm hooked up now ! (I also think i'll go see your other stories... even if it takes me another year to find the time to get to each one ;) )
writlings chapter 32 . 9/14/2017
writlings chapter 31 . 9/14/2017
Aaaah. Even though I knew what would happen, it didn't make it any less enjoyable this time around. Once again, thank you for TAC and TAC II.

On another note, I should probably read The Middleground(?); I've been putting it off since forever. Don't ask me why, I don't know myself. xD
writlings chapter 19 . 9/12/2017
is rereading while signed in for once. :D

so idk if you read reviews anymore but:

'Madad' means 'to help'. 'Bachao' mean 'help me'. So it should be "Bachao! Bachao!" Iris shot up in bed...
Illythir chapter 31 . 8/30/2017
Absolutely wonderful, I've been reading this for a few days now and I absolutely love it.

Well one thing I am not really satisfied with is the final battle between leaf and ash, but one thing I am sure of is that this and the previous story were decidedly lovely!
On a side note, I just recently realised that Napaj is Japan backwards.
Anonymous Person chapter 3 . 8/22/2017
Well, I see two major problems on the horizon. How many more are yet to come I don't know but the two I can see are Team Plasma and the attempted assassination on Iris as well as the mysterious person who seems a bit too interested in this ancient Virus X. Granted I'm not sure whether I should separate the assassination attempt and Team Plasma into two separate issues. They seems separate yet interconnected if that makes any sense.
The other thing that has me wondering are the future chapter titles. After finishing part 1 I realized your chapter titles are actually quite informative. Anyway, the mention N, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie. That implies that the whole Kalos region fiasco did happen, Ash's use of Greninja in his friendly battle against Brock also suggests it. Does that mean that Kalos as a region might play a role in this story or does it only mean that those characters will be part of the story. For that matter are we gonna get more legendary chaos? After all the only story arc that involved N also involved Reshiram. My final thought is about the gift that Diantha gave Iris after her inauguration. Did that pendant happen to contain a mega-stone? After all that just seems like the type of thing that Diantha would gift a newly appointed Champion with. I'm just not sure what mega-stone she'd give.
Animation Adventures chapter 32 . 6/15/2017
This was even more interesting than the first story. Not too sure how I feel about the time jump, but it works. I'm glad that Ash is Champion now, and the Kanto-Johto champion title has finally been split after so long. Having to look over two regions sounds like a lot of work, so with the title split, the work load is distributed. In addition, when Lance ruled over two regions, he held the most power and got things mostly his way so now no champion has more power than another.

The whole take on Pokerus was quite something, and I am saddened by the deaths that occurred throughout. It was bad enough that the gang had to fake their deaths in the first story, but for someone to actually die in the second story (thankfully none being one of the main characters), man I'm nervous for the third installment.

The inclusion of the XY gang this time around pleased me. I was happy to see Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie get in on this. I wonder if we'll be seeing who's the current Kalos champion in the third installment, possibly Alain, or would Diantha continue to lead a double life.

Adalet earned a little respect from me this time around for following our Dragon-type champion's orders for the Unova G-Men. Lance is still a butt, though.

The parts focusing on the development of Unova contests were my favorites. Since there wasn't any discussion or episodes on contests in Unova during the BW saga, I found it an interesting road to travel for this story, and the development helped lighten the atmosphere when it got too heavy with the virus and the deaths that occurred. I found it amusing how all it took was Georgia hitting N with her car a second time to get someone from Plasma out in the open.

Before I forget, the Rocket trio's appearance was hilarious and very welcome. They were stuck in Unova, so they had to make a life for themselves in Nuvema Town. Sweet how they ended up having a little boy during that period. I wondered where they disappeared to after Silver freed them from jail.

Okay, I think that sums up everything. Thank you for such an interesting piece of fanfiction, and for making such a great sequel to the original Ash Connection. It was an attention-grabber for me.
Rach-ships-AAML chapter 1 . 5/14/2017
First, let me simply say thank you for sharing your gift of storytelling with us. I've read both stories in this series. Both are well written, have excellent character development, and are just fun and exciting to read. The fact that they support all my favorite ships doesn't hurt either! There were some plot twists I didn't see coming, and I appreciate that. The unpredictability of this series is what made it all the more exciting to read. As many other reviewers have said, I will be anxiously awaiting the third installment of The Ash Connection. If you need more reviewers or editors during the process, please let me know. I would be glad to contribute in any way I can to this fantastic series. -Rachael
D11 chapter 32 . 4/30/2017
I discovered this series this past week; and I dare say that this installment was perhaps better than the original, and did not disappoint in the way that so many sequels do.
I am excitedly waiting for part 3. I adore your writing and your insane talent for story telling. You've made the characters come alive, and I love how so many nuances in early chapters end up impacting down the line.
Great work once again - I happily lost many hours of sleep so I could read this faster.
Guest chapter 14 . 4/22/2017
OMG! O.O Is Pokerus!? Btw thats a real in game this that your pokemon can get.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/22/2017
I just love re-reading this.
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