Reviews for She Ain't Heavy
Jion chapter 1 . 12/9/2014
This is an awesome adorable oneshot. Keep up the good work!
Time Lordess chapter 1 . 11/1/2014
WOW THAT WAS INTENSE! And good! Really good! Damn i miss merlin so much
horoscopesarelies chapter 1 . 10/11/2014
Heyy! It's me your ao3 reviewer! Reread this GORGEOUS story here again and it still managed to shake me up, LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! I do hope you find the inspiration to write more mergana dear because you certainly understand their characters so well and write them beautifully! And Angry!Morgana and Pining!Merlin is my FAVORITE type of mergana fic because I'm such a morgana stan so this was a delight! :D
Guest chapter 1 . 9/9/2014
Just brilliant. These two were always made for each other. They do represent the good and the bad sides of the other one. What did the dragon say: Your destinies are joined forever.
mersan123 chapter 1 . 9/8/2014
Excellent. Very emotional for both Merlin and Morgana. Beautifully written.