Reviews for Teaching English Abroad |
FineEyesPrettyWoman chapter 1 . 5/4/2022 Oh, I guess there’s not a big chance you’ll one back to finish, too bad, it’s lovely! |
everyones mom chapter 6 . 6/10/2021 I know you had intended to finish this story. Hope everything is well and you will continue to write and share your talent. Thank you. |
lizb1813 chapter 6 . 5/20/2018 Oh, I dearly hope you decide to finish this someday if you’re able. As a teacher overseas myself, I’m a sucker for a story like this. Hope life’s treating you well, P&N, even if you don’t ever finish this story. |
debralzara chapter 6 . 8/2/2016 OOOO...I hope you read your reviews, and consider continuing this story... I find your writing very entertaining, and well done. If I am able to forget where I am and become immersed in a story, then for me, it is a great story. You have done that here, it just needs to be posted on here! Please write more! Thanks! |
AnoushkaNair chapter 6 . 6/22/2016 I mostly don't get down to begging, but please please please update, I beg you. :D I loved the story from the beginning itself. And since unfathomable is one of my favourite fics, I had full confidence that this will turn out to be a DxE and JxB. I truly enjoyed every part and loved Darcy a lot. So yeah, back to the point, please update because this is one story that shouldn't be given up. |
panaricanchick chapter 6 . 6/6/2016 Did you ever possibly finish this story somewhere else? I really would of enjoyed reading it. It started to pick up after the 4th chapter and I was really getting into the story. |
Riya chapter 6 . 12/23/2015 Hello! I read this story earlier and absolutely love it! I also read unfathomable and love the narration. Can you please please update this story? Just one update? I have been waiting really long for knowing what happens :) |
Kary Bobbins chapter 6 . 2/4/2015 Ok, first you need to know that if I (and all of us here I dare say) didn't went to you requesting an update, it isn't because I'm not dying for one, but because I know that you have a real life XD and that it get your time. It's not like we're paying you to only write to us, besides the writing muses must leave you sometimes and I don't think that pressure help in those cases. But we're always wanting for more. This is a very unique story and I love it for it :D After that clarification, let's go back to the fic XD Well, that trip didn't help to the Ellie who's trying to convince herself that she likes Charlie XD but come on Ellie! You're thinking of Charlie as "sweet" and "adorable", you too are thinking of him as a cute puppy! XD But ok, give it a try, just don't deprive yourself of other oportunities that could arrive just because you're "dating" Charlie and if things with him aren't working for you just drop it, don't try to force it just because he's such a cute puppy XD And cheers for Jane that finally left the fucking piece of shit! XD |
Whimsy and Ink chapter 6 . 2/1/2015 I LOOOOOVE it! What a unique, creative, gorgeous, romantic setting with so much potential! And a refreshing and new twist on those favorite characters we know and love. This is a very unpredictable and engaging story. I'm following both this one and Unfathomable, but I always find myself hanging on every word of the modernizations. Crossing my fingers your working on an update during the super bowl in between commercials... :) love love love it, can't wait to see where this goes... |
StoryPirate chapter 6 . 1/23/2015 Yay for an update, yay for Jane finally taking care of herself and being strong, and yay for some funny, cute, and sweet one-on-one Will and Ellie time. :) |
IrishJessy chapter 6 . 1/23/2015 Thanks for coming back to this story! I'd nearly forgotten about it but I went back and read the other chapters before I read the update and remembered how much I liked it! Please please please let Jane visit and sweep Charlie off his feet so Will & Ellie can get together! Loved their little day trip together, good for getting to know one another and how cute was the hand holding/poking thing in the train station. They're getting very comfortable with each other. I do love Unfathomable so I'm prepared to go easy on you but I hope you do finish this one out! |
hongkongphooey63 chapter 6 . 1/23/2015 So glad to have you back, I'm loving Unfathomable so if that's the reason updates on this story are slow I'm not complaining. I do enjoy this variation though, OOC but not so much that I can't relate to our beloved characters. |
janashe chapter 6 . 1/23/2015 Thanks for the update, I really enjoyed it. I'm glad no one else showed up and that they got to have some quality one on one time getting to know each other. and finally Jane is on her own again Hope to see what else you have planned real soon! |
TMNinjaGinga chapter 6 . 1/23/2015 satisfying! It was very much worth while putting finger to keypad (and that doesn't sounds nearly as nice as pen to paper) to write that. Some more character exploration - love it! I cannot wait to see where you take this :) Many thanks! G |
owladriatic chapter 6 . 1/22/2015 Love it! Update soon! |