Reviews for Unrealized Peacekeeper
ReynesOfCastamere chapter 1 . 6/29/2024
Thanks for the story…only thing I wonder is what about Talyn?
fs440 chapter 18 . 10/26/2021
Thank you for posting the end of the story. I know it's not what you wanted, but it's night & day as opposed to the authors that drop off the face of the earth, leave the empty promise that they will eventually finish, and inevitably leave the characters on the worst cliffhanger possible. I've very much enjoyed this AU, so thank you!
kyoshi chapter 1 . 8/15/2021
First chapter is written like a true author.
A-01 chapter 18 . 5/9/2021
Weeeeell... The ship has sailed on this story, I see.
I, however, only just discovered it. Thusly, I shall share with you my thoughts -if you happen upon them in a possible fanfic email review update.

I may meander through this, but I hope my ambling ideas brighten your day.

So to start with, the why for my reading this story:
You might think that silly since most fanfic readers simply read to read for the love of reading the writing that they're reading.
While that is true of me today, what's more true is that I myself am a writer -regretfully, not yet published, but hope to be in the near future.
Funnily enough, or perhaps not funnily... I belted out an average of 5k words a day for 9 days running and then managed 12k words on the tenth day.
This little feat that results in what sounds like a boast also resulted in RSI in my little finger, so I had to take a time off writing to let it recover.
That turned into three weeks, and then I couldn't seem to put finger to keyboard to write as I should.

So fast forward to today, I think it was about time I read something on fanfic again, and as a long-time Farscape fan, it occurred to me that I had never checked the Farscape category.

I wasn't impressed by the summaries offered by the other fics on the first two pages (no offence meant to anyone there- just not my taste), nor the first few paragraphs of the few I checked.
So when I read your summary I thought, "Pssshhhttt, 'nother one of these."
But I gave it a chance, as I always do because summaries tend to be the writers weakest point on Fanfic and don't reveal the creative genius that can be within.

So fast forward to the end of the first chapter, I'm thinking, "HOT DAMN! Golden, imagine that! A Farscape fic that is excellent."

I was surprised by the creative use of canon elements and the expansion upon implied elements from canon. That being said, I only ever watched the main show, I do believe there are comics or books? Perhaps there is more in this that is an ode to canon that went over my head.

So the only bad thing that I actively didn't like... in a way... Was Crichton's characterisation.
This is obviously subjective, but for most of the fic, to me, it just didn't seem like Crichton.
I can't entirely put my finger on it... I suppose you could chalk it down to him being in a totally different situation than from the canon, but I dunno... I just didn't feel right to me.
But don't take that purely as a negative, because in many ways I liked your portrayal of the character more than the official line, it just didn't feel (to me) like an extension of the official version, more a totally and wholly alternate version.

A strength that you had earlier on that I felt weakened throughout the course of the story was the description of surroundings.
I can easily understand that this is a character-driven story, more than an action one, but I did start to feel like you relied on a lot of pre-loaded imagery from the show in not describing x.y.z things.
In the earlier chapters, I found there to be more description of elements, surroundings, and events.
Maybe I'm being nitpicky with some things there... But in totality, it was written so well, how can I not nitpick that?

Beyond those two specific judgements that could be seen as negative, this was excellent.

The characterisation of all of the other characters was damn near perfect.
I could imagine their faces and voices saying and doing everything that you had them saying and doing.
I could imagine their emotional struggles as you wrote them, and how they personally chose to handle them.

I don't believe I'll get a response to this, because of your absence, but I shall pose the question nevertheless.
What specifically made you choose to discard D'argo as a character? Was that embracing the different path of Crichton?
And in turn, phasing out Chiana?
I did quite like the part about Rigel's death at the hands of D'argo's hyper rage. To me, it really added a certain weight to the hyper-rage that the canon never imbued it with, and I had half hoped to see that thread pulled a bit further with a different kind of Crichton.

And perhaps to risk contradicting myself about character vs action-based story, I thought your handling of the PK v Scarran dreadnought from a characters personal perspective was just excellent.
It really made that battle for a lot more involved for the other functionaries that make the systems work, but don't get the time of day in many stories, let alone historically true ones from our reality.

So I shall leave you here, my writing tippity-tappity writer-inspirer.
I binged all of this from lunchtime today and regret not a moment of it.

I enjoyed your rendering of characters, events, ships, and realities, and you have reminded me of the love for sinking one's attention into the world of the inner imagination.
dxk3355 chapter 18 . 12/3/2020
Thank you for telling us! I read so many stories that just fizzle out. This was one of the best FanFictions I’ve read so it’s great to hear some wrap up
A. X. Zanier chapter 18 . 12/3/2020
Well, it's not the chapter I was hoping for but I understand how time and distance (plus the loss of notes) can change one's plans. And, you know what, any resolution is better than none.

Good to know you are still alive and (I hope) doing well.
Janizary chapter 18 . 11/17/2020
Thank you for wrapping up the story, even if in summary form. It had been a number of years and gave me the opportunity to reacquaint myself with the story in another read through. As such, I'd like to thank you again for your work and for letting me spend time with old friends once more.

Thank you.
Agememnon Quinn chapter 18 . 11/16/2020
Thanks for the wrap up. It has been a heck of a ride.
T. Birchmoor chapter 18 . 11/13/2020
Probably for the best but I have to thank you for sticking with the story for almost twenty years now. This and the Long Arm of Fate/The Last of Us were the two best Farscape fanfictions, and I am a tad sad to now have closure. Still, maybe I should take this as impetus to try my hand at actually putting some ideas to paper and keeping Farscape fanfics alive.
Annoy mouse chapter 18 . 11/12/2020
Thanks for the update! Nice to have closure.
Zackarix chapter 18 . 11/12/2020
I just want to say thank you for this summary. This was such a good fanfiction and it was sad to see it die. Getting any closure at all was more than I hoped for, so I'm happy to know what your plans were.
EklipsCz chapter 18 . 11/12/2020
Thank you. while i didnt expect to ever have some ending even information what you planet next its at last some closer :)
now that you get my attention i will need to reread it again. :)
Dracco chapter 18 . 11/12/2020
Thanks for the outline of the ending, it’s more than most abandoned stories.
ptbv chapter 18 . 11/12/2020
i like this story too bad you didn t finish it
there isn t a lot of fanfics of farscape
Relim chapter 17 . 7/23/2020
You know, I've probably perused this piece several times now. And, even though it's been a decade, I still hope that more will someday come. I know it's unlikely, but I would love to see the fallout of John returning to Earth as an officer of a vastly superior alien military. How would the world respond? How would John and the Crichton family respond? How would the Sebaccian race respond when they find out that their true origin point is Earth?

No matter how unlikely it is, I would love to see your take on the rest of the series.
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