Reviews for In The Grey Twilight
Marauder chapter 2 . 1/28/2003
I'm going to CRY...and, although I don't really believe Merry and Pippin are lovers (they are cousins, after all) it works well in this story.
RK-DELETED chapter 6 . 1/27/2003
this is definately one of my favorites, if no my absolute favorite fic. i just love it! keep writing!
Luthien chapter 6 . 1/26/2003
u got to keep writing! it's a beautiful fic
pwsbpanthael chapter 6 . 1/26/2003
Oh please, *please* continue this! You're created such a poignant relationship between the two Ringbearers; Sam's love and his perceived failing are so beautifully drawn. And Frodo's tenuous happiness cannot be left so precariously in the balance. (~:

I've enjoyed this work so much; please continue to share it with us. Thanks.

- pwsbpanthael (Keeper of The Gaffer's Hard Names)
Borris chapter 6 . 1/26/2003
Wow. That's all I have to say. I love it, I really do. Your symbolism and emotions are just wonderful. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Anon chapter 1 . 1/25/2003
nice story, what I've read of it.

Anyway, that isn't the point of this review. I'm actually pointing out that you need to put an at the beginning of your LJ URL, or else it tries to go to . users/jaelyn instead of users/jaelyn
Luthien chapter 5 . 1/16/2003
you've got no idea how much I love this fic! please! frodo and sam have to get together and be happy...and Rosie shouldn't have the baby...hurry up with the next chapter!

reishin chapter 1 . 1/11/2003
We can't wish her away; she demands to be dealt with. And she's a force to be reckoned with

Yesssss. Thank you so very much for this story and those sentiments which make up the story. Lovely fic, and despite the quantity of pathos I can see a happy ending for it

or maybe that's the eternal optimist in me.
Nez chapter 5 . 1/10/2003
Wow. This is... amazing. I'm beginning to have a nagging suspicion that you're Tolkien reincarnated. This is wonderful! I was starting to lose faith in Sam/Frodo authors, but this story has kept my faith in slash. Your wording, pacing, and overall layout is wonderful- thanks for writing this fic. I can't wait to see where you go with it, and I'll be checking up regularly for updates! This is fantastic!
HeatherStacieA chapter 5 . 1/3/2003
OMG You have to continue. This is one of the sweetest stories I have EVER read. I am VERY picky when it comes to A. Romance fic as I am very anti romance and B. Frodo/Sam slash writers they have to be good. And you are SO intune with the charactes voices the way Tolkien wrote them. I especially love the part when Frodo sees the rocks from Mount Doom and askes if Sam thinks there part of it melted down in there. I shared it with my friend who is an avid fanfic reader of LOTR and she loved that part also. Please continue this story and please write more Sam/Frodo stories. There are so few of them that are actually written by decent authors out there.

Your story made me feel warm and fuzzy. ;-)
Zeke chapter 1 . 1/3/2003
You are a wonderful writer and I think your representation of Sam and Frodo is one of the best that I have seen. I love this story and I plan on checking ffn as often as possible for updates because I cannot wait to read the next chapter! Thank you for writing this story, you're amazing!_

Velle chapter 5 . 12/29/2002
This is one of the best Frodo/Sam stories out there. It's so realistic it seems to take up right in the midst of the real book- please continue.
Inkstain chapter 5 . 12/29/2002
Oh, holy crap. *dries eyes* I lose my internet connection for a month, then finally get it back - and these two chapters make up for it completely!

This continues to be one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. I had tears in my eyes. The way that Frodo gives up so much and can never return to what he had or what he fought for is so tragic in the book itself, and here to see it elaborated on, to see other characters' reactions to it, is what makes me screw up my face and cry. The change to Merry and Pippin is being handled so well too, so yay there because as you well know, they are extremely dear to me; and I also LOVE that Sam remembers the feel of the Ring, because as Frodo says he too "were a Ring bearer; if only for a little while". That's a line that stayed with me from my first reading, and it is wonderful to see it being developed.

My favourite bit in the last two chapters though?

'Certainly Frodo had been hasty.'

Fantastic Treebeard reference there! Made me laugh through my tears. When Merry and Pippin leave Treebeard in TTT and he stays on the hill looking after them always makes me ache, and this here is showing the change to Pippin, the effect the Ents and Treebeard had on him. I love that! I love THIS! Keep it coming!


spero spiro chapter 5 . 12/28/2002
EEK! HOW KEWL! I love it! Like I love almost ever F/S fic I've been reading... -_-;;; I'm so pathetic... but that's okay! I like! Please include more M/P!

Ja ne!

-Kuan Yin

'If You Want Me To Wait, I Would Wait For You. If You Tell Me To Stay, I Would Stay Right Through. If You Don't Want To Say Anything At All, I'm Happy Wondering.'
marciepants chapter 5 . 12/27/2002
you must write more. now. get to work.

i don't know if i like the pippin/merry marriage...maybe if you didn't bring up the fact that they're cousins so often.
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