Reviews for In The Grey Twilight
RK-DELETED chapter 5 . 12/22/2002
BEAUTIFUL! i just love this story. can't wait for the next chapter. i was smiling and crying all at once. keep up the good work! _
Ambera Frodo chapter 1 . 12/22/2002

This story was amazing! I really hope that you continue writing it! I'd like to be notified whn ther next chapeter is up!



Ambera "Frodo"
KJS chapter 5 . 12/18/2002
One thing that really struck me is how well you captured the characters' voices. I have always thought that capturing Tolkien's style and the voice of each character would be one of the most difficult things, yet you do it seemingly without flaw. Frodo and Sam, in particular, have dialogue that is just dead on. And Rosie... As a diehard slasher, I consider her Evil as an indescribable obstacle, but you do a damn good job in portraying her in a more sympathetic light. I just love it. The interaction between Sam and Frodo, Merry and Pippin... Just right on in so many ways. This is really a beautiful story, I can't wait for more.
Haeharmaiel chapter 5 . 12/10/2002
I find myself here again, reviewing another chapter!

What you said at the beginning is right - it is very, very hard to write about Rosie in a sympathetic way. To slash fans everywhere, Rosie seems to be the one flaw in our perception of Frodo and Sam's relationship. That's what makes it so hard to be nice to her! I often find myself writing about her in a very biased way. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it.

But you've really managed to pull this off. I did feel sorry for Rosie, and I felt that I could understand what she was going through, and fathom it just a little bit more.

I loved the way this tied in with the season!

And I also loved the way it ends. I am indeed remaining optimistic about New Year! Looking forward to it.

Many thanks!
Tesekian chapter 5 . 12/8/2002
This is a brilliant story. I love the way you deal with Rosie. Please write more soon.
A Elbereth chapter 5 . 12/7/2002
This was a long chapter! I was so pleased! Frodo's explanation of the ring and so on was so powerful! You are truly gifted! I could never write so well unless I thought each word out extremely carefully for minutes! I loved it! I nearly want to just print out Frodo's 'inscriptions' and put it in a scrapbook! Very well done! _

~*~A! Elbereth~*~
shirebound chapter 5 . 12/7/2002
You are such an exquisite writer. "haunted by ghosts whose names she would never know..." Wow. This chapter is so beautiful, so absolutely perfect, I can't even put it into words. Wonderful, Heidi, just wonderful.
Isildae chapter 4 . 11/28/2002
I'm so in love! You really have a knack for getting me teary eyed, except now I'm crying for Rosie, and I usually hate Rosie! I want Sam and Frodo together soooooo bad, and yet I fear for Rosie, what will Rosie do if that happens? Poor Rosie!

See you've done it again, and you should be proud.

Keep up the *magnificant* work!
A Elbereth chapter 4 . 11/28/2002
It was good and long! I loved it ooo... I seriously got lost in this story and when I was done I was thinking, 'oh yes, I'm at my computer, not in M.E.' hehehe _

Can't wait for the next chapter!
shirebound chapter 4 . 11/28/2002
My goodness, what a beautifully written chapter. The description of Frodo falling into the early October darkness and emptiness was amazing; about the best description of it I've ever read.
Bottlesandcats chapter 2 . 11/24/2002
This is great! I love it! Horrid cliffhangers, please continue. I'll be waiting.
Isildae chapter 3 . 11/19/2002
WOW. . .No words can describe what I feel right now except that I am crying, and that its a deep and soul-shattering feeling. This is perhaps the best piece of fiction I've read so far on the Net, and do you know why? Because its so simple. No HUGE words, or drawn out metaphors, just true storytelling that gets right to heart of the matter. Your writing is so light and pure and yet immense in its ability to stir the soul. I felt such depth while reading, such sadness, and such love. I'm rambling now but what I'm trying to say is that you truely have a gift, and you KNOW your Tolkien! I'm still crying you know-The gift exchange was perfect, and had a similar effect that the Elves Passing scene in the EE DVD of FOTR had one me: It's just so Frodo and Sam!

Please finish this fic, PLEASE! Take your time(as much as you need) But please promise us you'll finish this, it's pure Magic!
ADeender chapter 3 . 11/18/2002
Wow, this is a great story, I could actually see it happening. It's all very realistic and the sadness gives it a certain beauty. Please continue.
Lily Gem chapter 3 . 11/18/2002
Aww... This story is...amazing... The snippet with the lava rocks from Mount Doom - wow... That nearly made me cry.. Hmn... And the gifts were wonderful. Beautiful. Please, take all the time you need to write and post the next chapter; you're doing exquisitely so far! _

Oh, and this is going on my favorites list, by the way.
A Elbereth chapter 3 . 11/18/2002
This was very sweet! I can't wait for more! Don't worry about how long it takes to write a chapter. As long as you do it to your satisfaction, time has no place in your accomplishments here. _
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