Reviews for After the Chamber - Lords and Ladies
GlitchsterX7 chapter 11 . 8/25
It has been 8 years sine this was updated. I Hope that Seer will update it soon now that he's slowly coming back
Guest chapter 7 . 8/19
I would've called Dobby to expose the bastard. Even if he couldn't tell I'd ask him if he could tell me who didn't do it. Then rattle off some names before finally saying Lucius. Having made Dobby swear about telling the truth and ignoring previous orders and such. Maybe swear on my/Harry's life to tell the truth.

No sign of pointing out that Fudge threw him into that hell hole without a trial too.
Guest chapter 5 . 8/19
Don't agree with them being unable to use the Pensive. The magic should have nothing to do with them having any. The item is magical, they just have to interact with it. I'm quite certain if they held a portkey and spoke the pass it would work much like potions should too unless specifically designed to make use of ones magic to boost healing for instance rather than just heal.

They could've also portkeyed them to the castle and showed it. Sad with all this talk no ones brought up the friggen corpse going to waste.
Ismael Mikularch chapter 11 . 8/11
Éste fic es bueno e interesante. Por favor, continualo. tiene demasiado potencial para que no se termine.
BorisCresnov chapter 11 . 8/9
Love the story! Can hardly wait for the next chapter to be posted
RavenPrincess2024 chapter 11 . 8/6
i hope for an update soin
DPinAK chapter 11 . 3/31
Looking forward to more of this story.
Chainharte chapter 11 . 3/25
. . .I can only imagine the rather interesting curses coming from all those in both the staff and Ministry when it's revealed that Pettigrew was not only ALIVE but the REAL traitor this whole time disguising himself as a rat and getting close to Harry with the only reason Sirius even escaped Azkaban was because the guards simply was far too lax in their security to not keep the prisoners in should they manage to break out of their cells. Seriously, who was the dumbass fuckwad to make THAT particular oversight in all the security measures, Fudge's ancestors? 'cuz it wouldn't surprise me if it was and they did be THAT stupid.
Guest chapter 11 . 2/15
Good story but really to short. Need at least a few more chapters, up to at least when Harry finally picks the girls that are going to be his Ladies.
pendragon87513 chapter 5 . 1/19
I’ve started this series a little while ago, but I’m really enjoying it. It’s really well written -all of the characters are just like in the movies and the books- and the story is really well written. I’m really enjoying it
Mysterious Gamer X chapter 11 . 10/18/2023
Find myself hoping this story comes back. There’s quite a few directions it could be taken.
Luke MorningStar11 chapter 11 . 9/24/2023
I loved! Update soon please!
SwordOfTheGods chapter 11 . 8/31/2023
So sad to see this story pittered away. It was going so good.
Balmonec chapter 11 . 8/24/2023
I enjoyed this. Definitely felt like a new angle on the whole multiple wives issue. I know it is not currently being continued, but I would enjoy reading more if you ever got back to it.
Guest chapter 11 . 8/14/2023
You made one typo in the story so far, It was not Myrtle Blake ,it was Myrtle Warren. When are you going to out with the next chapter? And when does he start collecting his brides to be ? I think Hermione Granger , Daphne t Ginny Weasley are good starts but he's the heir to Grythyndor and eventually Black. Maybe a marriage contract or two for Line continuing that renews when all the players are last in their lines . Like Susan Bones and Luna Lovegood . And a sixth girl your choice for the Black heirship . And you missed an opportunity to marry Serious Black to love or maybe you didn't but went into hiding after escaping death eaters as they were raiding her home and was checking presumed killed and shows up to reclaim her and her daughters heritage . Her or their father is Serious Black is up you. You could even get Remus Lupin to settle down with a couple werewolf mates both female of course. I hope you take my advice. Twowolves67
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