Reviews for The Care and Feeding of Hobbits
Eriks-lil-rocker chapter 1 . 11/18/2002
sounds very interesting can't wait to see what happens from here. Keep up the good work.
Marigold Cotton chapter 1 . 11/18/2002
I've loved working on all of these with you, and I agree with eretria, we haven't seen anything yet...I think chapter 6, chapter 8 and the epilogue are my favourite ones, but I really think they are all outstanding - as your stories always are!

Marigold : )
Mooncat4 chapter 1 . 11/18/2002
Oh, I LIKE this! Pleasepleaseplease write more! I like the way you've caught the Hobbits' personalities, as well as Boromir's. More, more, more! Mooncat
katakanadian chapter 1 . 11/18/2002
Yokatta! Another gem from Baylor. I saw over at Nindaiwe that there will be 11 parts. Tanoshimi! I can't wait!
Rose Cotton chapter 1 . 11/17/2002
Hooray! A new Baylor story!

Um, yeah. Did I mention before that I absolutely *love* everything you've ever written? I just only started reviewing recently. *blushes* So, that's what the deal is, if you're wondering.

This is so cute! Boromir's fascination and confusion concerning the hobbits is so sweet. And the hobbits themselves are adorable, of course. I'm glad that it looks like you're going to continue!
NuttyGummy chapter 1 . 11/17/2002
Hehe. This is great; please write more.
eretria chapter 1 . 11/17/2002
All I can say is: Shirebound: You've seen nothing yet!

This story must be your best so far, Baylor. You already know how much I love it, but really: It's pure and warm and entirely in-character, and Boromir finally gets the attention he deserves. Especially lovely his interaction with the hobbits, you can *see* him raising his eyebrows and scratching his head thinking about those strange little creatures.

Warmth and love in the hobits is captured perfectly, and it'll be wonderful to see how they melt the Big man's heart. (Side note: Am I *ever* glad I know the story completely, or you'd have me on your back until this is finished. :o) )
Guest chapter 1 . 11/17/2002
Yeah! This site needed something like this. By the way, how hard was it dor the hobbits to get used to only three meals a day?
Pansy Chubb chapter 1 . 11/17/2002
Yes, oh yes, a new Baylor story! I so enjoy your light touch. You certainly don't want to accidently wake up Pippin. I will greedily be awaiting more.
Herald7 chapter 1 . 11/17/2002
Very cute story :)
BookHobbit chapter 1 . 11/17/2002
This was a great start to a story. 'Hobbit pile'- that made me laugh with the mental image of Boromir puzzled as to which curly head belonged to Merry. This sounds very interesting, keep up the good work!
shirebound chapter 1 . 11/17/2002
What a fun story! This had BETTER be the start of LOTS of story. My favorite part is poor Boromir, "...rather dazed by the complexity of waking a hobbit for watch." Oh my, I'm in love with this already.
Heidi Gamgee chapter 1 . 11/17/2002
Very cute. I like the idea of Boromir getting to know the hobbits, and (hopefully) developing a sense of protectiveness for them.
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