Reviews for The Diclonius Mother
guhgiog08e9rhiogoiheg98whgiogo chapter 16 . 6/9/2015
Excellent chapters, loved the the scene with Harry and bando at the end! I'll be looking forward to reading more!
Guest chapter 16 . 5/31/2015
Screeeeee. I LOVE it
EmptySpaceCase chapter 16 . 5/30/2015
Boy Bando is going to be conflicted later...
Taranodongirl1 chapter 16 . 5/30/2015
LuBu081 chapter 16 . 5/30/2015
Oh god, the irony...
Jostanos chapter 16 . 5/30/2015
Whoa boy... If Lucy only knew _WHO_ Harry's new 'friend' was she'd not only panic.. She'd probably sh*t (Harry: LANGUAGE! me: My apologies, Harry. Harry: That's better. :) ) bricks, take Harry and bolt like a bolt out of the blue.
ultima-owner chapter 16 . 5/30/2015
That friendship might not last long
Reishin Amara chapter 16 . 5/30/2015
Oh that was a CLOSE call...I mean..
Deanna Saber chapter 16 . 5/30/2015
... Does this mean that Bando isn't going to kill Lucy? Well, he'd try, but Harry'll stop him?
Icewolfstar chapter 16 . 5/30/2015
I have some questions for you:

can't dumbles just use a spell to find Harry?

didn't he, he's the so called greatest wizard of all time?
GooBall chapter 16 . 5/30/2015
Hahahha, genius :D
Kasai no Oni chapter 16 . 5/30/2015
OMGGGG! *Laughs hystericaly while rolling on the ground*


Bando and Harry...FRIENDS!

Wait till he meets that mommy he was talking about, wew *wipes tears away*

That had me dying!
Jostanos chapter 15 . 5/29/2015
*chuckles with a warm grin* I am glad that they have each other.
I am also glad that they have excellent friends that they have met along the way. :)

*anime sighs* Sadly Bando, the Commandos, and probably a few other creeps are after Lucy and Harry.

The questions that I have now are:

1) Do any of Lucy and Harry's new friends know about magic?
2) Have they seen some one or something similar to Lucy before (Magical/Mythical creature or otherwise)?
3) May Harry be 'Blood adopted' by Lucy?
4) What may happen with them next?
Jostanos chapter 14 . 5/29/2015
*eyes go wide* WOW! Talk about a baaaaad idea guys. No mater how ticked off you may have been.. picking on _THAT_ dude to get your kicks? A terrible way to go. Still... you weren't either shot nor captured by the bobbies.. sooo.
Jostanos chapter 12 . 5/29/2015
Omake: The "I Love Lucy" theme starts to play as they ride towards the station.
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