Reviews for The Diclonius Mother
unknownwolf1996 chapter 23 . 2/2/2018
I recall you telling me why you didn't do guys and do genderbends. I don't mind it at all and I keep doing what ya like.
Vanillite the Dragonslayer chapter 24 . 2/2/2018
I can help, but only with some fandoms. Better than nothing, I guess. PM me if you choose to go through with it.
Plumalchemyst chapter 24 . 2/2/2018
Wish I could help but I'm not good at punctuation
Junior VB chapter 23 . 1/16/2018
No está mal.
Not bad.
OniTenshi500 chapter 23 . 8/1/2017
Please update soon.
joeyblast chapter 14 . 7/11/2017
Hey, I know where you can ask the sonic heroes and cast questions. Also, I'd be willing to check your spelling and grammar usage in your writings. Also, I'm sorry for the comment on my profile that was directed towards you. However, how do you feel about adding Blaze the Cat to your list? You could use the story idea I have on my profile page to your advantage. Just don't quit. I like these types of stories because it's rare to see Dumb-as-a-Door go off his rocker and show everyone that he's not as Light as he pretends to be.
Guest chapter 23 . 5/16/2017
HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's just perfect! Between getting Lucy's ass handed to her by Bando in your fic, and getting trolls asses handed to them by your ch.23, I salute your ingenious at spreading comic relief and healthy commenting habits. XD
You. Are. AWESOME.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/9/2017
Please continue the Lucy and harry potter stories, or you can just summon a replacement writer to finish it and announce the user to us
Lance Eterna chapter 23 . 3/12/2017
i like your stories gamer
PsDuruyX chapter 23 . 2/12/2017
Yes, it was awesome!
PsDuruyX chapter 1 . 2/12/2017
Haven't started reading yet but when I found this story i was like: AWWW YISSSS! I'm super hyped XD

I'm sure this is going to be awesome like your other stories...
Mewaponny chapter 23 . 1/15/2017
So... you made at least 2 chapters(I'm not going back to check) of only authors notes to rant about stuff that doesn't really have anything to do with the story? All so you can reply to attention-whore trolls? First of all, the story is for story- not a PSA about what bugs you. If you want to rant like this, privately email them or put it in your profile, NOT the story. This was maybe a thousand words and THREE extra chapters more than what it should have been. The author's notes affect the length of the story, and the fact it's spread out between 3 chapters makes this story even shorter than it looks, which made me frustrated enough to actually rant at you. Please delete these chapters, or put them into one chapter.
JanKHonda chapter 23 . 12/30/2016
Man people are selfish and stupid. If there's a fanfic you don't like, just don't read it. There's no need to comment on it. It's fine to be angry, but if you could rage to yourself and not get angrey at other people when they did nothing wrong. I know it's unlikely someone will actually read this, but honestly, I just needed to say SOMETHING about stuff like this.
guest101 chapter 23 . 12/26/2016
To start this out so this does not seem like a negative review, I have read quite a few of your stories and find the premise interesting and the characters a lot more diverse and IC than a lot of stories on this site are. I do enjoy reading them, however my only complaint is not that you write too many, but that you don't finish them or go back to progress further on past ones. While seeing each different character's reaction to the Dursley situation is indeed entertaining, it can get a bit dull only really ever hearing about Harry's rescue and nothing else when we expect an adoption fic. A few of them have progressed past that to adjusting Harry to life with his new mother however they never get very far in that.
examples would be The Falchion's Heir, Heart of Cinder, and obviously this story.
they all have made wonderful progress in regards to establishing the new mother's personalities and in the case of the Falchion's Heir, establishing the hardship that she faces coming from a different world to the HP universe. But we never get to really see how it changes things.
I, (along with many other readers if I am reading the polite and good reviews correctly, I only really speak for myself) are hoping to see progression in these stories so that the following questions are explained.
1. What will Harry's childhood be like now.
2. Since he won't be having his letter binned every time he gets one, how will his into the wizarding world be different? (I know in some stories this has already been addressed a bit, however not in all)
3. What personality traits and beliefs will he have adapted from his mother?
4. What will Harry be like while going to Hogwarts. (How does his new upbringing effect how he handles events at Hogwarts. {other things to consider with this question: new/different friends?, new enemies?, additional powers?, that kind of stuff})
5. How will his new mother react to all the crap that happens to him while at school?
Notice that most of these focus on how the change will cause a ripple in the HP story that can potentially change how everything plays out. It adds dynamic, it adds a hook that make people want to keep reading, it is why Fan Fictions are even a thing.
Shese elements are all things that make adoption fan fictions so entertaining, as readers now get to see how the new element in the story (Harry's new mother and new upbringing) change Harry as a person and allow a whole new adventure to unfold.
I hope that this review doesn't seem rude or demanding and that you understand these are simply things to consider to make these fics Amazing and more than just a good quick read. :)
If you feel the need to respond I will catch it if you update any of the aforementioned fics. simply address me as guest101.
A03 Writer chapter 21 . 12/25/2016
You can always use Archive Of Our Own to write whatever you want! :) screw that bastard! you can many any mommy or gender bending stories you like on that site!
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