Reviews for The Diclonius Mother
Freddy chapter 23 . 12/23/2016
Ok I have several serious problems with your stories A-to many, I don't just want fluffles and dursley maiming, I want to see the ripples it has on HP, for example in your Weiss one (I Don't watch Elfen Lied) Harry and Draco's interaction would be really different, B-OCC, villains do NOT just casually go "I found a cute kid being abused, I know I'll let go of my quest for revenge or whatever now" C-you never merge the series, it always after the mom's story so you may as well use an OC most the time.
Ajwolf21 chapter 23 . 12/19/2016
You should have krystal from starfox crash land and rescue harry.
Guest chapter 23 . 12/19/2016
Have krystal from starfox crash land and rescue harry.
Sazq chapter 21 . 12/19/2016
Just to let you know, as far as I'm aware, no rule exists that says you cannot write exclusively mother stories.

That being said, you do have over 100 stories, and so they might have some case to report you for spam. Regardless of weather or not you are spamming.

If I'm 100% honest, I think you would be better off dealing back on your project mother quantity and finish some of your started work. The stuff you have written is surprisingly high quality, but you have sooo much of it, across 100s of titles, it becomes hard to read.

Just my thoughts on the matter. Sooo next time someone threatens to report you, just tell them to fuck right off. (And make sure you have backups of all your stories on a spare usb or Hardrive) cause while I don't think you have broken any rules, an lazy mod or something might delete your stuff for whatever reason. It's happend before.
Guest chapter 23 . 12/12/2016
:3 ok please more
Bearybeary chapter 23 . 12/10/2016
There are those people who can be like it and can be a pain in the backside. I hope you update other chapter and please don't abandoned other stories. Because I can tell those stories does have a opportunity to grow all done by you and your co author.
Guest chapter 23 . 12/5/2016
you should do a story with Lina Inverse as the mother
TheUnHolySmirk chapter 21 . 11/26/2016
Is that really a thing? Bc that's kind of BS. but ok.
9876543 chapter 23 . 11/24/2016
I really like your stories, my only real complaint is that the beginning of each story is pretty much the same thing : Harry is being abused, girl finds him, saves him from the Dursleys, and decide to adopt him not long afterwards. Have you ever thought of trying something different for a beginning? You could for example have someone raise Harry all the way up from his infantile years or have it start after they've already adopted Harry. I'm not trying to tell you how to write your stories , I'm just trying to give some honest constructive criticism and I don't know if I'm succeeding in that or not. I am also deeply sorry if I offended you. Thank you for your time. - Just Another Guest Reviewer
soulfusionresonance chapter 23 . 11/20/2016
I'd like to see a fem Vegito fic for Harry, if you wouldn't mind. And yes, that is Vegito and not Vegeta.
LoueiM chapter 23 . 11/17/2016
Um...this is actually my first time reading this fic and I like it. So if you ever continue this fic I'll be happy to read it. Please and thank you. :)
guest chapter 1 . 11/17/2016
In terms of mother's have you ever thought of any of the girls from Higurashi or Umineko?
person chapter 23 . 11/15/2016
I, personally, really like your stories and think that gender-swapping isn't a bad thing as it can be used for pairings or simply to make the story more interesting. So yeah, keep writing anything you feel like because you are awesome.
TouchDouche chapter 23 . 10/25/2016
If I did anything to offend, I apologize
VulpineSnow chapter 23 . 10/23/2016
There... actually IS an option, dude... you go to your profile settings for it. *blink*
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