Reviews for Black Sky
Silver Wolf chapter 339 . 2/21/2024
Moelle: marrow (bone marrow) French c #338
Silver Wolf chapter 309 . 2/18/2024
My second point came back to me as I was reading chapter 309:

Nono may mean ninth but it also means idiot in French... Fits nicely for that dimwit! :)
Silver Wolf chapter 307 . 2/18/2024
hi! Just finished reading chapter 307 and taking a break to write to you. I find the story HILARIOUS and plan on reading to the last chapter (currently 341, hoping for more before I reach it... Hint!)

As for other issues...

You use flare (which is a bright light produced by the sun, a nuclear explosion, or a violent chemical reaction) when you want to say flair (to have the nose for, like the dog's flair, the flair of a detective, etc); a typical saying is that even if money has no odor it takes flair to collect it.

I had another point, but Al Zeimer is part of my family line so... Maybe next time?
Droo-97 chapter 1 . 2/16/2024
I've not been on for a while so it was a really nice surprise when I finally did and I found out that Black sky now has 341 chapters! My last reread I did ended on 305 so I'm looking forward to reading the new chapters though it might take a while to get there! I absolutely adore this fic! Thank you (and your beta reader)so much for writing it and continuing all these years!
Silver Wolf chapter 205 . 2/10/2024
Too bad Marius did not answer his dad's question about what time it was by "Relative to what?" with an inspired look as if he was thinking in Einsteinian relativistic terms. It would have been hilarious.
Guest chapter 142 . 2/5/2024
I’m all for the idea of Tracy and the Bronco going on a date.
nobody51 chapter 216 . 1/23/2024
This chapter is so FASCINATING to read, how almost reasonable Nono seems from his perspective, and how wildly out of touch with anything that perspective is. Something that especially hit me was ‘shattering [Tsuna’s] naïve confidence in the goodness of humanity’ which has Absolutely no basis in fact and he has no grounds for believing. I don’t know why THAT absurdity hit harder than Every Other belief Nono has about every other person he knows about. Maybe because his other views are twisted from actual interaction he’s had, while he can just make up a personality for Tsuna while cloth so it comes across even more out of touch.
Guest chapter 88 . 1/20/2024
Pretty out of character for Dorea to just sit around while her husband is frozen. Makes no sense considering it’s been two years.
Aratherfluffyfatcat chapter 341 . 1/19/2024
Enjoying the story thanks
nobody51 chapter 133 . 1/14/2024
‘Enrico got himself shot’ Squalo you did that. You meticulously planned that. Like I understand why you are not telling him that you murdered his brother, but you are very much the one who Did That.
nobody51 chapter 84 . 1/11/2024
First appearance of Maínomai! 3
Eluvia Umbra chapter 341 . 1/9/2024
Yay, I'm so happy you updated because this story is awesome and I love it~! Can't wait for more!
Reader chapter 61 . 1/6/2024
This chapter is STILL so good every time I read it 3
Absolute awesomeness and an amazing plot twist!
Guest chapter 341 . 1/6/2024
do you ever plan to cross post this on ao3 one day?
amour de vin chapter 341 . 1/5/2024
Squee! More new chapters! So fantastic. As always I love all of the depth and detail that you effortlessly provide (I am quite sure that it takes lots of work in your end, but it is so delightfully easy to read). Thank you so very much.
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