Reviews for Black Sky
dhyetaX1999 chapter 2 . 10/2/2014
I find myself amused when the first thing that popped in my mind after reading Dorry-Rose is Dory the amnesiac blue fish from Finding Nemo. I find myself quite curious about how this story would unfold. There's no Rose Potter only the Black Heiress. And somehow I got a notion in my head that Draco has been trying to flirt with the Black Heiress in atypical Malfoy(i.e demanding Dorea's attention just because he's a Malfoy and Dorea completely ignores him)
Trance20666 chapter 1 . 10/2/2014
good chapter
is it going to follow Rose through her Hogwarts?(if she goes there)
than she is going to meet the KHR characters?
she going to have a pairing?
thunder18 chapter 2 . 10/2/2014
Great chapter Update soon
Cersesi chapter 2 . 10/2/2014
I like it.
fierynightangel chapter 2 . 10/2/2014
Whoa! Very cool!
fellow chapter 2 . 10/2/2014
Greatazuredragon chapter 2 . 10/2/2014
Of course the poor bastard HAD to be dumped in azkaban. Is like he is magnetized to that place!
So little Rose grew up knowing about magic, even if not in the most light of families. Question is, does she know her father is innocent? And how will this change things?
Good work, looking forward to the next update.
Roningirlkisa chapter 2 . 10/2/2014
I hope she torments the fuck out of dumbles when she gets to hogwarts!
awesome chapter 2 . 10/2/2014
I loved it! Can't wait to see how the mafia relates! Also rebornxdorea all the way
InsaneScriptist chapter 2 . 10/2/2014
I see no errors this time. Still Arcturus is an awesome grandpa.
Greatazuredragon chapter 1 . 10/1/2014
Interesting idea, it has a lot of promise, good work.
fierynightangel chapter 1 . 10/1/2014
What an interesting start! Looking forward to more!
Roningirlkisa chapter 1 . 10/1/2014
Poor James and his crappy decision making skills.
sousie chapter 1 . 10/1/2014
Love-is-Cyanide chapter 1 . 10/1/2014
I'm looking forward to seeing where you go with this plot base .

Judging from the title, Dorea/Rose is going to be a Sky Guardian?
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