Reviews for Black Sky
Madinightshade chapter 343 . 11/8/2024
Wonderful i love it when this updates it is one of my favorite fics
twilover0624 chapter 35 . 11/7/2024
They are not suitable at all, which would be very gross and illegal. I am looking forward to reading more of this story because you are a fantastic writer!
ioanagirl chapter 321 . 11/7/2024
Interesting card game. Did you invent it or is there a real game variant?
Love the world you created with Black Sky. I have read the story n times.
Athanasia Adhara chapter 312 . 11/3/2024
rereading this and realize that if Medea is model for Kuchisake and Squalo for Jason... well that is very suggestive(?) in a more disturbing leaning. Since historically Jason dump Medea and she killed their kids.. And with last year's confrontation with Nilla being designated Mist/Keeper... Yes very suggestive indeed. There's also the take that Medea descended from Helios and Kuchisake is close with Luss who is a Sun
summer164 chapter 117 . 10/29/2024
He woke up
Armandhas chapter 343 . 10/28/2024
Gods, I've read this story four times, and it is still my absolute favourite story on this website. And it isn't even my favourite sub-category (KHR).

So many things I think you've done brilliantly. So many things I felt must have been so tricky to keep track of (languages spoken per person, familial connections, histories interwoven, gender issues and mentalities per culture (and you have a multitude of both) and so on and so on.

Again, you're brilliant. I am so curious to see how you've kept track of everything. And I am so itching to see what came next. The first time I read this story you had just had Xanxus come back to the Varia. The second time was when the Ring Battle meeting with Nono took place. The third time was during the ending phase of said battle. And the last time was just after Uni's influence.

It's amazing that regardless of knowing most of the things described, I still wept at the exact same parts as before. Felt just as much pity for the same people at the same point in the story (little Lambo, Delfina, and even Uni). Felt the same anger every time as well.

So thank you. For still working on this story so many years in. I look forward to seeing your next chapter.
*Fingers crossed for seeing a bit more of Tsuna's flames being sealed by Nono being discovered.*
anette.ebisch chapter 343 . 10/27/2024
i'm so happy...
i just read the whole story again

Thank you for writing
ZzrcVt chapter 311 . 10/19/2024
...So Psote is Death's kid? If so, Dorea bargaining and putting herself into an even more subordinate position to a Titan, who were apparently ALL sexist assholes, even Life(? Feath said his Donais inverted due to his fellows taking the most opertune time to punish him for sullying himself with a Human) wasn't strictly necessary.

Wise precaution though, Cassie would probably have run her mouth and get herself killed or worse the first time Death talked down to her (the position is explicitly MISTRESS of Death so if it had been passed on the inheritance would be matrilineal, so firstborn _female_ descendants).
Greatazuredragon chapter 343 . 10/19/2024
Awesome story, thanks for all the work.
dark rose modoki chapter 132 . 10/17/2024
eu estava re-lendo o capitulo e fiquei pensando... o que aconteceu depois com os pokemons na varia? tem algum capitulo na outra historia do parenting is not a varia quality sobre eles?
Thenchick chapter 343 . 10/15/2024
It's been a long time since there was a post so I did a double take when I received the email about a new post. :) I was happy to see it.
holyscythe chapter 343 . 10/11/2024
well this chapter was relly fun to read about and i love mainomai his one of my favorite characters.
im hoping for more of him please.
i wonder when dorea will properly grive her 4 nonexisting children, and im looking forward to the new phoenixesi wonder how they will look like.
have a nice day and a great time writing.
from a long time fan.
Kali SaDiablo chapter 343 . 10/11/2024
3 3 3 !
harlequin320 chapter 343 . 10/10/2024
nice chapter, keep up the good work
Wishfull-star chapter 343 . 10/10/2024
That was awesome I loved the chapter and I can't wait for whatever happens next stay safe:)
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