Reviews for Why to Sort a Student is a Horrible Job
TheMatze99 chapter 25 . 9/25
Really hope we will get updates for it soon. How many chapters are left? It feels like its close to be ending.
Lurker In The Highlands chapter 11 . 9/14
My dude, you're German. Why AREN'T you writing drunk? Shame on you! Shame!
Silver chapter 25 . 9/9
Hopefully nott says something along the lines of ‘oh I’m just here for the entertainment’
Mav chapter 25 . 9/4
Love this story, please update soon!
qwertyuiop123214685 chapter 25 . 9/4
Love it. I know that you have a lot of stories active at the moment, but please update this soon. I love founders fics, and I love thought out prank fics, so this is awesome
Rogue Shinigami chapter 1 . 9/3
Loved it hope u update it
bashfyl chapter 25 . 8/27
Love this story. Thanks for sharing.
Kawilger chapter 25 . 8/6
very nice cliffhanger, hope your exams whent great.
Megan chapter 25 . 8/1
Please update
Helen397 chapter 25 . 7/24
Was für eine tolle Geschichte! Ich kann es kaum erwarten, zu lesen, wie es weitergeht!Hoffentlich schaffst Du es bald, ein nächstes Update hochzuladen!
orthankg1 chapter 25 . 7/22
Very nice.
midnightscar17 chapter 25 . 7/11
Please update soon
midnightscar17 chapter 2 . 7/10
Guest chapter 25 . 6/24
Ahh! It's an update! Thank you so much! Hope your finals went well; this chapter's gonna keep me motivated enough to keep studying for mine :D All the love
williamsangel88 chapter 25 . 6/26
this is amazing! the beginning was really light, but now it's getting darker. I also love your character development of Neville
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