Reviews for The Imperial Saber
Plasma Dragon 312 chapter 5 . 10/23/2024
Seryu isn’t evil as she is doing what she believes is Justice based on what she has been taught by every authority figure in her life.

Esdeath is evil because she fully understands that what she is doing is morally wrong and doesn’t just not care she actively wants to do these acts. She likes breaking people. Torturing them. Whether they’re innocent or not so long as she can satiate her bloodlust she doesn’t care because she’s strong and, “thr strong live the weak die.” Mentality.
Isaasol2 chapter 5 . 3/30/2024
Thank you! I'm probably one of the few fans that actually likes Seryu as a character.
maykelhs06 chapter 54 . 3/1/2024
I hope you can make the end chapters. Great story!
Tatsumi Partas chapter 1 . 9/28/2023
do Tatsumi and Esdeath stay togehter or what?..
Shigeraki chapter 8 . 2/14/2023
It’s getting worse. The story is going strong. But the grammar and spelling errors are getting a lot worse. They are more frequent
Shigeraki chapter 6 . 2/14/2023
Your punctuation is horrible, you use comma’s in the wrong spots and etc. please fix it.
Shigeraki chapter 5 . 2/13/2023
This story is good… just the grammar and spelling errors everywhere
Amazing fic chapter 1 . 1/24/2023
Love your fic
Vexatriss chapter 54 . 9/28/2022
Would love to have closure on this. Read this when you started it and recently came back for another go
VoidShard69 chapter 54 . 9/4/2022
Will this story ever get a ending? Please write one it’s so good, I need closure.
Trattskaft555 chapter 54 . 8/11/2022
Oh boy, where shall I begin?
From reading this story, start to finish during the course of these past 4 weeks. A story six years in the making that has provided me with the same level of enjoyment I got from reading "the kingkiller chronicles", once again. And for that, I tip my hat to you.

An unorthodox story, filled with gory scenes and philosophical questions. A story which I can't help but laugh to even in the darkest of moments as I am a bit of a sadist myself, but more importantly, someone actually got the balls to write something like this. And all this from a fanfic, you are one facinating individual and I can't wait to see how this will progress.

If I shall be honest, there are so many things I wan't to praise about your story, but I simply can't put it into words. Plus, it's also helps that I'm a fellow Tatsumi x Esdeath shipper myself.

Altho if I where to criticise some points, It would all just be structure of writing and nothing else. For example, a few misspelled words here and there along with sometimes words missing entirely, even if you can grasp the intent behind the scentence either way.

Either way, as I said before, I can't wait to see how this story progress. And if people are demanding your head on a pole for this masterpiece of a story, then I will simply say to hell with them.

Ignorance isn't bliss, but a sin. And those who fail to recognise the problem standing right in front of them are akin to a fool.

I, as a soul residing in the most northern parts of europe, wish you luck in whatever task you choose to work towards looking forward.
Ayphyx chapter 1 . 3/30/2022
It’s been 2 years but if you can, please update
InevitableLegends chapter 54 . 1/1/2022
Killerbull27 chapter 54 . 11/25/2021
Alright I know the story maybe dead now but its definitely my favourite Akame ga kill fanfic without a shadow of a doubt. The consept is original and very interesting i mean with 900K words boy was I invested, I believe this tatsumi and esdeath are the best one in my opinion and I was really rooting from them to have a happy ending in some way shape or form. Two problem I have with the story as a whole, one is that OC's were never really fleshed out did anything to the point that not having them would have made little difference to the story yumi the half beast girl is the one most obvious not to say taht i didn't like them but I really hoped they would have played more part in the story it just feels like a waste of potentially great OC's and the second problem is that it feels a too wordy and not straight to the point I know its monologuing and internal fights I especially love the interactions with esdeath and tatsumi, to be fair in some parts it improves the interactions to give us a better understanding of what's happening with their thoughts and surroundings but it just feels too much sometimes with nothing really happening which just feel like an over use of words that were not really need to be added. All in all 8/10 just wish it were completed, I like to imagine that the revolution fail to stop the colonel, makoto seeing the suffering of the people ordered honest and the other corrupt officials death, esdeath having a change of heart crushing the revolution along side tatsumi bringin peace to the empire, having a loving family as they strengthen the empire and conquer the rest world together the end.
Tf chapter 41 . 8/19/2021
Like what are you even writing half the time? This shit is so overcomplicated it’s stupid.
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