Reviews for Harry Potter - Three to Backstep
Guest chapter 7 . 12/27/2023
Guest review or not I’ll still shit on a trash fic. This story so far is great, it was one of the first I read of this specific prompt. If someone is just flaming your work just to be an ass you can just ignore them.
Concolor44 chapter 18 . 12/16/2023
Damn. Easy-peasy-dragon-squeezy. Thinking outside the box works pretty well.
Concolor44 chapter 10 . 12/14/2023
I think that, were this an actual, real situation, Harry would be sporting a stiffy any time the three of them were alone (and CERTAINLY alone-and-naked). Just "cuddling and drifting off to sleep" between two hot, naked girls would definitely not be the norm.
Concolor44 chapter 9 . 12/13/2023
Slow and steady wins the race. Eventually. Although Harry, being a fourteen-year-old boy, is being QUITE a bit more of a gentleman than one might expect. I guess he has a good handle on the cost-benefit equation.
Concolor44 chapter 4 . 12/12/2023
It's a fair cop.
Concolor44 chapter 2 . 12/12/2023
Snape was a bit more collected than I'd thought he'd be.
Hermione's parents, though? We'll be able to hear the detonation from here.
Concolor44 chapter 1 . 12/12/2023
An auspicious beginning. This looks like it'll be fun.
acowles02 chapter 5 . 12/11/2023
Oh god please dont make the Dah Dah thhing normal. I know its cuz theyre “speaking” but we are fucking reading it
SandyTheSandBoa chapter 42 . 12/9/2023
and here i found another plot hole for you to close if you like. didnt the carrows get taken out in diagon alley?
SandyTheSandBoa chapter 11 . 12/9/2023
hi, i actually already read further than chapter 11, but im making my comment here because i wanted to constructively inform you that you refer to Myrtle as myrtle cummings in this chapter and another place after that i know of, then later changed her last name and gave Hermione's maternal family that name. i just thought i would let you know so you can fix it if you'd like to.
Reaper1990 chapter 40 . 12/5/2023
Mcgonnagal is a cat not dog.
Reaper1990 chapter 35 . 12/4/2023
Simple just kill the azkaban DE'S.
Ken106348 chapter 7 . 12/4/2023
if that review upset you, then you don't need to be writing published works.
LoneWolfAndCub chapter 50 . 12/3/2023
I gotta say mate this was a cracker. An absolute banger of a fic.
Reaper1990 chapter 19 . 12/3/2023
He didn't attempt to obliviate them, he used leglimency on harry.
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