Reviews for Harry Potter - Three to Backstep
Guest chapter 50 . 10/16
What a wonderful read, thank you for this lovely work
Jim chapter 50 . 10/10
good story for time travel and soul bond story
Riger chapter 12 . 10/10
"I haven't even spent time in a broom closet fumbling around in the dark with anyone"
That is not true. Rita Skeeter ragged him off into a very tiny broom closet and they fumbled around to clear spider webs an the like.
Master777vip0000 chapter 1 . 10/6
Hello, fellow pedos. I’m Gina Gail Barron-Goodman. I’m 61 years old and I live at 126 Ambrosia Lane, Heath, Texas 75032. I sell child pornography, ten videos for one dollar. Method of payment is via PAYPAL. You can choose any video you want in the catalog that will be provided to you. I have pedomom, rape, anal, oral, etc. And if you enter my Telegram account saying that you come from fanfiction, I will give away pedophile photos of little kids naked and having sex for free.

Visit my Telegram channel: Master777vip0000

You can email me at ginabar at gmail dot com!

Master777vip0000 chapter 1 . 10/6
Hello, fellow pedos. I’m Gina Gail Barron-Goodman. I’m 61 years old and I live at 126 Ambrosia Lane, Heath, Texas 75032. I sell child pornography, ten videos for one dollar. Method of payment is via PAYPAL. You can choose any video you want in the catalog that will be provided to you. I have pedomom, rape, anal, oral, etc. And if you enter my Telegram account saying that you come from fanfiction, I will give away pedophile photos of little kids naked and having sex for free.

Visit my Telegram channel: Master777vip0000

You can email me at ginabar at gmail dot com!

Master777vip0000 chapter 1 . 10/6
Hello, fellow pedos. I’m Gina Gail Barron-Goodman. I’m 61 years old and I live at 126 Ambrosia Lane, Heath, Texas 75032. I sell child pornography, ten videos for one dollar. Method of payment is via PAYPAL. You can choose any video you want in the catalog that will be provided to you. I have pedomom, rape, anal, oral, etc. And if you enter my Telegram account saying that you come from fanfiction, I will give away pedophile photos of little kids naked and having sex for free

Visit my Telegram channel: Master777vip0000

You can email me at ginabar at gmail dot com
Wantaknow chapter 15 . 10/6
i think its sad that harry has no say in the 3 way bond it should be tow way bond a slave boy.
Incantations7 chapter 48 . 9/27
Netscape and IE? Man, that brings back memories!
Veronica McClure1 chapter 1 . 9/27
Actually, the actor who played Andrew was John Dye, not John Die. Think in terms of a long ago ancestor who worked at a Dye factoryDye Works)
Lukoshi chapter 6 . 9/22
Lmao Deece ... that is quite a disgusting nickname. If you're going to name her Candice instead of Roxanne at least make her nickname Candy or something that isn't so off putting.
Abstract01 chapter 4 . 9/17
I would like to delete the word 'FREE' from the language, especially regarding 'AGENCY'. Anything that is received has been toiled over by some one. Whether or not they are paid for their efforts, the value is created. Even when you don't exchange money for something you get, somebody did have to 'trade value' for the item/service provided.
'Agency to Choose' is a better phrase pertaining to one's decisions, as every choice has consequences; and those results cannot be negated. Even deciding not to act has residual effects.
But I am pleased to see this fundamental right discussed!
pottyaboutpotty chapter 6 . 9/11
Loving this story!
LoneWolfAndCub chapter 18 . 9/7
When the Dragon says "Harder, daddy"
HP1969 chapter 50 . 9/2
Dies ist eine weitere Fanfiction, die man mit gutem Gewissen , mit etwas Abstand, auch mehrmals lesen kann. Aufgestellte Theorien , wie zum Beispiel zur Seele, sind gut begründet.
Ein Epilog gehört für mich dazu.
Ob er mehre Kapitel dauern darf,…, es kommt auf den Inhalt an.
Meiner Meinung nach, hätte es hier etwas gestrafft sein können. Aber heh , ich bleibe dabei.
Daumen hoch für den fleißigen Autor.
deadsnakebiting chapter 2 . 8/31
For the record, as far as I am concerned, you can write any dam*ed way you want! In all, I rate you in the top 2-3% of the fanfic writers I have read and I have read literally hundreds if not thousands of fanfic writers.

You have an excellent style of writing, clear and concise with a great grasp of English grammar, etc. You do not have anything to be ashamed of. I understand it any way you want. Stop writing your stories. There are many, many nitpickers who feel it is right to tear writers to shreds. I feel they contribute nothing to any conversation and my advice it to ignore them. It is your story. Write it any way you want, stop writing if you want! It's not like we are paying to read it. I wish you all the best, I think you are top-notch John, Pensacola FL, USA
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