Reviews for An Obsession With Words: Wiress Ohmstead's Story
larkbird chapter 1 . 7/18/2023
already adore this
Guest chapter 7 . 8/25/2021
7/10. I thought Delphine is dead but she is still in the chapter of endgame. Must be an error you write, and you didn’t say how the other tributes died. 7/10
melliemoo chapter 13 . 1/23/2015
I enjoyed this story a lot - thank you!
Guest chapter 13 . 1/22/2015
Thanks for making me cry. Honestly. My heart is now a million tiny little pieces, because we all know what happens. You are a truly brilliant author.
Katie chapter 13 . 1/22/2015
This was a beautiful story. I really enjoyed it.
MakLeon chapter 13 . 1/22/2015
Such a beautiful and sad ending for this story about an amazingly strong and at the same time vulnerable girl-woman. It is especially sad because the reader already knows what will happen to Wiress. I was a bit disappointed that she could not overcome herself and be with Beetee until the last days, but then, it is only natural. She experienced her first love and first kiss at the arena. But because it ended so nightmarishly, this girl was irrecoverably damaged. So, one can say that the Games simultaneously made her a woman and killed a woman in Wiress. She is scared and does not want any more pain, so she distances herself from Beetee until it is too late. Or is it not? Maybe, even a moment of true happiness can be worth of all that was before.
It is also ironic and sad that Wiress who loved books so much starts losing her mind (or, as she put that, words). This shows all the terror of the Games that take away from a person whatever she loves most, and whatever makes her herself.
KTstoriesandstuff chapter 13 . 1/22/2015
SQUEEEEEEEEEEE! Beeress love! **thud*** reader passes out with a smile. Ending was good. Sad because we know what happens but good. AAAAAAAAAAAW!
Someone chapter 12 . 1/20/2015
Fantastic chapter! The poor little thing :'( Like the reviewer below me, I really want to see her and Beetee together again! Those adorable nerds :)
melliemoo chapter 12 . 1/20/2015
Exciting chapter! I can't wait to see the reunion with Beetee.
Kailey chapter 12 . 1/19/2015
This story was AMAZING! It was so beautifully written that it almost brought me to tears a few times. Whatever you do don't stop writing! I loved how the whole words and books is tied into everything and ends up helping her win in the end. takes a true writer to think that up. I also found the whole clock thing interesting because it made me think more about her character in catching fire. Another thing I liked is the journals from Beetee. These were great because we got to see what he was thinking as well.
KTstoriesandstuff chapter 12 . 1/19/2015
WHOA! epic ending! :) :)
Someone chapter 12 . 1/17/2015
Wow break my heart will you D':
ColMikeFuser chapter 12 . 1/17/2015
Wow! This is a great story.
Katie chapter 12 . 1/17/2015
You are an AWESOME author! Please update as soon as possible!
KTstoriesandstuff chapter 11 . 1/16/2015
Squeeeeee! Another clever sponsor gift and her sweet fantasies made me aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw!
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