Reviews for Dan Granger
ReDish chapter 23 . 10/1/2020
I enjoyed this story. Thank you for writing it. I like how you stretched the usual edges of the HP fanfic sandbox.
Kira Potter Jackson chapter 12 . 10/1/2020
I find the way they kill Death Eaters interesting. Harry's words to Draco were prophetic.
Remus deserves a position for his job.
Dumby is self-centered. Molly is an idiot.
Amos charging.
Kira Potter Jackson chapter 4 . 9/30/2020
I hope Emma survives.
Sirius is right, Dumby should at least train the Order
Bentears chapter 23 . 9/26/2020
fantastic story!
SomeGuyFawkes chapter 23 . 9/2/2020
Enjoyable overall; thanks for posting.

Luna and Neville kinda disappeared though and poor Dobby only got a tease in one chapter. What happened to all of them?
SomeGuyFawkes chapter 20 . 9/2/2020
I'm sorry, but if you and/or Amelia confuse mean and median like that then what else is inaccurate?
How do you expect us to remain immersed in the narrative with such *egregious* errors on the page? :)
gginsc chapter 23 . 9/1/2020
I expect Rookwood to be a problem in the future. Great story.
SomeGuyFawkes chapter 2 . 8/31/2020
›› ...during the course of your work, many of the clients have thoughts which would easily exclude them from the wards that you currently are getting installed at Mr. Potter's new home."
SomeGuyFawkes chapter 1 . 8/31/2020
Solid start. Always good to see competent adults at work in an HP fic.

"Sneerwell" as a name was so over-the-top on point, ridiculous, and perhaps mocking - all in a good way - that I genuinely laughed out loud. Maybe the timing of it helped too?
S chapter 23 . 8/9/2020
This is a brilliant story. Liked the political angle very much. Dan and Ben were so awesome really, as were Connie and Anna. Oh, and I think this Amos Diggory is kickass too. Probably the best version of him that I have read. It’s all so very well done.

I think you have a love-hate relationship with Hermione’s character. From the two stories I have read, you have credited her with intelligence and problem solving skills and generally tend to end things well for her, but have made her much less tactful, less creative, etc. than literally everyone else. It’s like she is the poster child for your lessons on certain qualities whereas Harry and Susan can do no wrong. Given Hermione’s smartness and compassion, I think she would have done a lot better a lot sooner. We are far away from canon, but I think Harry was the much less tactful one and Susan wasn’t really there when everyone went on about him being the heir of Slytherin. Hermione was the planner and enabled many things for Harry through her ingenuity and creativity. I really feel for Hermione in your stories as I see her completely differently. Well, we all have our favorites and I suppose Harry and Susan are yours whereas Hermione is mine. :)

Oh, I see this comment as more of an exchange of ideas (you via the story and me via this comment) rather than criticism, which is why I am even expressing it. I do subscribe to your school of thought regarding commenting.

Overall, other than the treatment of my favourite, I enjoyed this story and am looking forward to reading more. Your plot structures, new characters, exploration of certain characters like Amelia Bones and story telling make reading enjoyable and engrossing. Thank you for writing and sharing.

I suppose you have arthritis? My dad has it too and struggles with it every day. He uses Epsom salt, essential oils and natural pain relieving oils (available in Amazon) to manage it. They seem to help. Am thinking of buying arthritis gloves too. I hope you have found something to alleviate the pain and discomfiture to some extent at least. Take care.
Griffin- lad chapter 23 . 8/3/2020
Wonderful stories... eagerly waiting for the next one...
ralejeal chapter 23 . 7/18/2020
thank you old crow. I've enjoyed all your stories. more than that, thank you for pressing me to review. I've lurked for years, and your words inspired me to give a bit more thanks by reviewing!
Freddie Rindklip chapter 15 . 7/15/2020
Chapter 15 & 16 has quite the body count. I am still enjoying my way through the fic. Thank you for writing.
laesin chapter 5 . 7/14/2020
I know you simplified the drop but you got the numbers off. In the first second a ballistic projectile on an initially flat trajectory will fall ~16 feet, not 32.
Aratherfluffyfatcat chapter 23 . 7/13/2020
Enjoyed the story thanks!
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