Reviews for Dan Granger
Guest chapter 5 . 7/2/2024
For the right amount of gold a healer would probably slip into her room and do a bit of wand waving.
Luvtooread1999 chapter 6 . 6/28/2024
Love this story so much!
Incantations7 chapter 3 . 5/31/2024
“Treatise by Jaykay”? Nice name drop of JK Rowling… lol
KYKid942 chapter 16 . 5/16/2024
Director Bones is correct; that aroma is quite distinct, and is unforgettable. Well done, Old Crow, to put that into the story.
BlazeStryker chapter 19 . 5/6/2024
I have often mixed the "fizzies" but I admit I draw the line at putting tea and coffee in with them.
BlazeStryker chapter 13 . 5/5/2024
Wizarding products don't have brand names for the most part. I do think "afterword" McGonnagal needs to give it up, as long as the stuff doesn't eclipse the narrative you're fine.
PeaceablePenguinElf chapter 23 . 4/20/2024
Reread this for the third time. Excellent story. This time I caught the growth of the Weasley parents - amusing, true to their character, and very well done! This time I appreciated the cultural depths you showed - magical, non-maj, and bits of the goblin. Binks is a good elf - this would be a great topic for the future - seems elves are good if they follow orders, no concern as to what those orders are or morality of the master. Your story amused me, kept me involved, and made me think. Thank you for writing and sharing it.
The cat with blue eyes chapter 23 . 2/19/2024
very nice story! i like the idea you had with Rookwood in the end it makes total sense
Nimbus2023 chapter 23 . 2/11/2024
Fun story overall but the fall of Voldemort seemed rather anti-climactic and in all honesty the story would have been better served to a) draw out the war until shortly before Emma woke from her coma, or b) end shortly after Voldemort's fall with a detailed epilogue. I get that Harry and company want to make changes but I didn't find their ideas all that inspirational and it kind of felt like the story dragged on after the last battle. I had no idea that my throw-away comment a few chapters back about goblins and house elves getting a seat on the Wizengamot would turn out to be prophetic, but that shows how predictable things became towards the end.

Anyway, thank you for the time and effort you spent writing this, I did enjoy it for the most part.
Nimbus2023 chapter 21 . 2/10/2024
If Hermione climbed off the soapbox and thought about it for a minute she'd realize the R.o.R could probably create a bowling alley, a tennis court, a basketball court, a gym, a swimming pool, etc. If it bothers her so much she should put down her sewing book and organize something with her peers. The school administrators aren't obligated to set up crap like that, sometimes the students have to take the initiative and find ways to enrich themselves themselves.
Nimbus2023 chapter 20 . 2/10/2024
I never liked when the characters try and get P.C, coming up with sugar-coated names for muggle-borns.

"We can't say muggle-born anymore, it's offensive!" Hermione exclaimed.

"What about mud blood?" Draco asked hopefully.

"Absolutely not!" Hermione protested giving Draco a withering glare.

"How about first generation?" Harry suggested.

"Yes, it sounds much less offensive," Hermione beamed.

"You could also call them new bloods or non-magical born British citizens," Susan pointed out.

"What if they're from Ireland?" Ron asked curiously.

"Who cares, call them Leprechauns and move on," Hermione snorted.

"Oi go fuck yourself, Granger!"Seamus exclaimed angrily.

"Moving on. Next on the agenda, should house elves get reparations and a seat on the Wizengamot," Susan cut in before Hermione could retort.

"We already gave ten empty spots to the goblins. Maybe we should make it so the purebloods have to serve the elves," Hermione suggested.

"Absolutely not, I would rather fellatio a dragon than serve a disgusting bat-eared house elf!" Draco exclaimed.

"From what I've seen, you're all about self-fellatio," Harmione snipped.
Nimbus2023 chapter 19 . 2/10/2024
I hate cosmoline, the last rifle I bought was positively swimming in the stuff and it reeks. If Ben wanted to make some extra money he could sell the Delisle, they are pretty rare. Also, the Delisle wouldn't be illegal in the U.K provided he filed for the proper permit, though the Brits would lose their shit over the 1911 (as far as a know handguns are illegal over there).
Nimbus2023 chapter 18 . 2/10/2024
conquistadores were the explorer-soldiers of the Spanish during the 16th century.
Nimbus2023 chapter 16 . 2/10/2024
The delisle and the 1911 use the same magazines.
Nimbus2023 chapter 14 . 2/10/2024
I'm a little disappointed that you killed off Andromeda
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