Reviews for Dreamscarring
Guest chapter 1 . 4/27/2019
oh boi
Nerdalier chapter 1 . 1/9/2019
Oooooooof. I like it. Dipper’s major trauma couldn’t be fully explored in the show since it was a kids show technically but FANFICTION IS HERE FOR US ALL
MaxandFang101 chapter 1 . 10/31/2018
Daaaaaaamn that was creepy. And messed up. But honest with how awful that must've been for Dipper.
LeonnetheNonbinaryThreat chapter 1 . 11/27/2017
Awwww sooooo cuuuuutttteee
Htlaps chapter 1 . 12/30/2016
brrr! youre good at writing horror...
RestlessRaggedandReckless chapter 1 . 4/7/2016
I'm screaming. This is so illegal. There are too many feels.
Emmazippy577 chapter 1 . 1/9/2016
I loved this! it was confusing and dark and all-over a great read
glider383 chapter 1 . 10/1/2015
This was amazing! Ever since The Last Mabelcorn, I've wanted bipper-aftermath angst, and this hit the spot. Bill's voice was spot-on, good job!
tonraq chapter 1 . 8/29/2015
bibliophilea chapter 1 . 8/27/2015
I'm also very fascinated by the pale, scaly nurses...
bibliophilea chapter 1 . 8/27/2015
I love reading the stories on which you and HaiJu collaborate! Both of you are amazing writers, and your collaboration creates something incredible! Alex Hirsch did an amazing job when creating Bill - he's creepy, terrifying, incredibly powerful in some instances, highly uncaring, creatively sadistic and masochistic, manipulative, incredibly dangerous... AND he's a golden one-eyed Dorito who wears a top hat and bow tie and sounds like a used car salesman. You two do an incredible amount of justice to how terrifying Bill can be when placed in a position of power, and how flippantly sadistic/masochistic he is with that power. No wonder Dipper's terrified, especially when he wakes up into an at least equally horrific dream! Considering what Dipper's been through and how creative Dipper himself can be, I have to wonder if Bill's directly involved at all in Dipper's dreams, or if Dipper's dreams are completely his own, and Bill's just watching from the sidelines, laughing as Dipper's mind finds creatively horrible ways to torture itself as a result of Bill's possession of Dipper. The Bipper incident was just a taste of what Bill could have done, and that taste alone was terrifying for Dipper. Add on top of that knowing that Bill could have done a lot worse, and not knowing if Bill could possess him again... it's no wonder Dipper's so paranoid and freaking out at all the reminders of his traumatic experience. I love the way you interjected with Bill's previous statements in Dipper's thoughts, the Dream Demon's presence tainting the place he's come to know as home and safe, much as his presence in Dipper's dreams tainted the very people he's learned to love and trust, that taint bleeding out into his waking thoughts before he gets ahold of himself and convinces himself Bill isn't here... for now, at least...

And I love the family bonding at the end! Everything, from Mabel's high levels of positivity, to Stan choosing to show that he knows and notices a LOT more than he lets on just so he can know what's going on to make sure Dipper's alright (and then promptly denying hearing anything Dipper says with a purposefully distracting evasion the moment Dipper starts questioning him about it... "Ya hear that, NSA? I paid ALL MY TAXES! I AM AN UPSTANDING CITIZEN!" XXD), to Mabel crawling into the couch to sleep with Dipper and provide him with her presence as comfort and security. The presence of his family slowly drives Bill's presence out of the forefront of his thoughts like nothing and no one else can. The last bit with Dipper and Mabel was highly reminiscent of my own relationship with my siblings.

And I love the implications Stan left in his conversation with Dipper! Familiarity with Bill had been previously established, but I liked how confident Stan was in saying the possession was a once per deal thing. Either he's done it before, or he's blatantly lying to Dipper to provide some false sense of security, perhaps to jump-start the psychological healing process.

Gszmph uli nrmw nvowrmt erz dirggvm dliw gl xivzgv gsrh znzarmt urx, zmw gsvm klhgrmt rg rm z kozxv dsviv R xlfow urmw rg!

Meteorblazes chapter 1 . 3/22/2015
Spannerspoon chapter 1 . 3/12/2015
Brilliant, terrifying and adorable

I loved it!
Donteatacowman chapter 1 . 2/23/2015
I read this and was like, "wow, this is probably the best GF fic I've read so far. I hope they're written others." So I checked your profile and-WOW, I don't know how I forgot your name! You're the author of Lab Rat! Oh my gosh, ahaha. That takes me back. It's awesome to see you writing in the GF fandom too! Hope to see more from you; this was great.
Wrath of Carcosa chapter 1 . 2/20/2015

I approve of the hurt/comfort, and the happy ending. I also approve of the nightmares, and the while dream-in-a-dream thing.

Fun fact: I actually found this hours ago on AO3,but the site was down so I couldn't read it. D: so thanks for reminding me via your promo!

I thought all of the characters were SUPER on-point, but especially Grunkle Stan. Maybe that sounds odd, but this is the first fic I've seen where he's actually written correctly. It was great to see, even before he and Dipper had their scene.

So props to you both!
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