Reviews for Icha Icha Forum: The Orange And Pink Edition
LivingInSymphony chapter 1 . 10/24/2014
Well that was exciting ;) Lovely writing, I can't wait to read more. I never know how to review chapters like this without sounding like a pervert lol. I'm going to go now, bye!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/24/2014
Good stuff. I look forward to more
SamusOlderBrother chapter 1 . 10/23/2014
Love the work, hate the subject. NaruSaku is among my least favorite pairings, even though canon seems to be driving inexorably toward it.

High quality and fun.
Logan Locke chapter 1 . 10/23/2014

So this is a little side project, eh Fae? I must say that was a very steamy lemon between Naruto and Sakura. Though for me I loved all that led up to it!

Both try so hard to ignore their want and need for each other - to the point it becomes painful. Naruto's fake friendliness towards Sakura's ex's. Sakura's irritation with with his. It all led up to a reserved but very intense love scene that was perfectly written. Perhaps a little to well! ;)

All in all, nice job there my dear! You validated again why I believe you are one of the best writers on the site by adding great feelings of enotion mixed with primal desire between two people. I look forward to more; as well as the next update to The End of Shadows! :)
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