Reviews for Walk on the Moon
Starcommand10 chapter 39 . 12/27/2021
Rei sunk really low this chapter. There's no defending what she did, especially since she literally just did it to amuse herself.

With that said, though, I'm glad she felt genuine remorse for her actions. She still has a bit of her humanity left, even if it's hanging on by a sliver.

She kinda confuses me with her behavior though. One second she's aloof and the next she's boisterous. It doesn't feel like consistent character writing, but this is still just fanfiction, so I won't act like a literary critic.

I was tempted to drop this at ch31 because of just how uncomfortable it is to read about a child groomer, but at least her reasons were more political than anything else. The entire Hinata arc rubbed me the wrong way and I kinda think you should put a trigger warning before it.

Ultimately, though, this is still one of the better SI stories on this site. You went with a very unique route for your protagonist and I can't wait to see what she does next. Keep writing and ignore the fucko underneath who's accusing you of being a you know what.
MEMENTUM chapter 49 . 12/27/2021
Looks like some mentally challenged people here don’t understand that the mind that writes a character’s mind often do not align nor in morals nor in goals.
Which is a shame because I liked reading Rei’s story for how she sinked so low in a way that felt raw and realistic, since extreme situations tend to bring the very worst in a human’s heart. I bet these imbeciles would behave way worse than Rei did if put in similar scenarios.
I hope you write more of this story, dear Author so that you give them the middle finger and remeber, you can always block them since they didn’t bring nothing of worth (and maybe remove the comments).
Centsmart chapter 48 . 12/25/2021
So I'm seeing a lot of reviews about child grooming, but I didn't really see it that way in the story. It was more like political manipulation, idk, I'm not that smart.

I like this story a lot and I'm looking forward to the next update!
syntax.error chapter 31 . 12/25/2021
You're a fucking child predator. Get therapy or turn yourself into law enforcement because you do not deserve to be walking free. Nobody who writes about this is right in the head. You're obviously projecting your own wish to groom literal fucking children or else you would never write about something so fucking disgusting. I'm appalled and disappointed with myself for reading the story for so long. I refuse to continue because that would mean supporting a pedophile.

I hope you rot.
AMD5800X chapter 39 . 12/22/2021
Rei is such a deplorable character. What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Why did you write her to be a child predator?

I'm just upset now. I was with a fan of Rei up until Chapter 31, and I think I'm going to abandon this story now. Why do so many fanfiction writers turn their MCs into atrociously written psychopaths? I ignored your poor technical writing ability because I enjoyed the plot, but now I can't even enjoy that.

You should get help. Child grooming is never okay. You shouldn't condone it. It's absolutely heinous, and I think a licensed mental health expert might get you the help you need.
Celcius154 chapter 36 . 12/22/2021


Good-fucking-bye, dude. I kept reading, even after your MC turned into a child groomer. But I can't continue. This story has so much potential–– so much fucking potential. But you don't know how to be consistent in the characterization of your own MC. You also don't know how to use commas AT ALL. If I had a penny for every missing comma in this story, I'd have a metric fuckton of pennies.

Go back to college and take an introductory writing class.
tfuinsah chapter 39 . 12/13/2021
Well, that was certainly something. I'm glad they finally had the chance to talk it out though. Perhaps Rei will find the person she needs in Hinata.
Sgfheisj chapter 28 . 12/11/2021
This is just wishful thinking, but I really want Rei to get the Hiraishin at some point.
VoidReader27 chapter 49 . 12/10/2021
So I binged this entire story in a day and I loved it. I particularly enjoyed your grittier take on the life of a shinobi and the repercussions it can have on one's mind. Bravo!

With that said, however, I think you should put a slow burn warning in the summary. I didn't mind the slow pacing, but I do wish I'd known about it when I started this story.
LamaFADG chapter 20 . 12/10/2021
i had my bets on hyenas
NastySquire chapter 39 . 12/9/2021
Why do so many Naruto fics turn into the MC being either super depressed or insane? It starts out so well and then devolves into this nonsense
Catch24 chapter 40 . 12/5/2021
Dude how the fuck is she still in the academy at Chapter 40? I don't mind slow burns, but the pacing of this story is genuinely awful. Snail mail is faster.
Spade Zi chapter 1 . 12/5/2021
Just a Spade casually dropping by
Guest chapter 31 . 11/29/2021
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
This is called grooming,
So I’ll drop this story too.
ARA ARA chapter 14 . 11/29/2021
LMFAO It seems the MC is one of those over arrogant people who taunts the enemy only to get reverse swept. You’d have thought this being a reincarnation fic that a woman well into her mental thirties would be well above taunting literal children. At first she’s unflappable, next she’s trolling kids? Maybe make a character sheet so you know what your MC’s character traits are.
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