Reviews for Walk on the Moon
SomebodyLost chapter 39 . 9/7/2024
That was fun. This particular arc I mean. Well, I don’t condone it in real life but…

Rei particularly resonates with me. Someone who hates the ninja world. Someone who wants power. Someone who wants freedom. I’ll probably invent some space time ninjutsu to travel out of their world to be honest if I get isekaid there.

But anyway. This third arc about taking advantage of Hinata? It’s an uncomfortable feeling, but it was wonderfully written as well. Because as much as I would like to achieve being a good person, I know that I’ll probably do the same. Even worse if at legal age. Because power is fun and being the master of your fate is intoxicating.

So thanks for writing this. I’m very self-aware of what I want and my current capabilities, but in Real Life I know I’m not capable or determined to do the ninja stuff. But Rei doing even dark things somewhat helps in being aware of myself, if that makes sense. She’s the closest OC I’ve seen that does what I want or would do if dumped in the Naruto world.
RealmHeart chapter 19 . 9/7/2024
oh damn did she get SCP summons?
blazingwolffang chapter 14 . 8/28/2024
What music
blazingwolffang chapter 12 . 8/28/2024
it always makes me laugh when a si thinks they are not a prodigy because they blame their progress speed on having past life memories the mc from hear the silence brings this to mind . but past life memories have nothing to do with any thing they are learning except math.
blazingwolffang chapter 9 . 8/28/2024
Lol she was controlling her anger even though she fell it that shows maturity not immaturity they need too a sign someone else to inoichi's job cuz apparently mind techniques does not mean mind knowledge also no wonder yamanaka is viewed as weak the get their first prodigy and they try to stifle it in its crib
Guest chapter 31 . 8/7/2024
Holy shit. Rei what happened to being a good person? My morals are already lose abt this kinda thing but the manipulation of that kind to someone like Hinata?! I am so shocked that I can’t even bring myself to feel disgusted wtf.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/31/2024
I really hope this isn't dead. We miss you.
Krav chapter 49 . 7/26/2024
Occasionally I still come back to sigh and pine after this fiction. It's rare to encounter stories that deal with actual dark topics or have antagonistic protagonists that seem real. I enjoyed this story very much. I hope you're doing okay, wherever you are.
Foxfire1215 chapter 31 . 6/15/2024
Honestly getting some Orochipedo vibes here though. Think she’s forgetting her goal of being a good person?
Foxfire1215 chapter 1 . 6/15/2024
I don’t currently get what you guys mean when you say that the author is sexualizing a child. You are currently reading a story where a six year old graduated from ninja school, and has literally one of the most traumatic backstories in successful anime history. When you read a book you walk into a new culture. Can it be distasteful, yes! With that being said, I am not going to condemn the author for dedicating him/her/gender neutral self to fleshing out the story. All of you thought it was funny when to get training Naruto did Sexy Jutsu as payment to someone who took pride in being the biggest pervert in the world. These problems were very apparent in Naruto as well; I find it unreasonable to expect that the author not mention them when for their story to be successful they have to keep to adhere to information that is fundamental to Naruto. To put it crudely don’t hate the player, hate the game. The world where superhuman killers are a staple to the economy is actually a dystopian wonderland; how suprising. /insert jazz hands/ Anyway, there’s my rant for the day. Anyone have any questions ask google. I just exhausted all of my compassion trying to be polite and pc when writing this.
Foxfire1215 chapter 21 . 6/15/2024
Yo, did not see splinter coming; out of left field.
DanMachiSaiyan chapter 1 . 6/3/2024
Just a warning to new readers. Im like 30 chapters/ 250k words and she is still in the academy and the only jutsu she knows is the 3 basic ones. So dont expect ninjutsu fights anytime soon
Guest chapter 40 . 5/25/2024
Wtf is with you and grooming children
It’s disgusting
BodaciousSoul chapter 37 . 5/5/2024
I wish we'd gotten more Rei-sensei omakes before the fic died down, it's such an interesting scenario
Medved chapter 5 . 4/12/2024
Yea emulate psychopath experimenting on children, lunatic bomber/terorist and another psychopath turning people into puppets... never uderstood why would anyone like those or want to be like them. Be emphatic? Sure fine. But to want be like them? Tsunade at least actualy left shinobi life behind and even at her worst was mostly self-destructive with her drinking/gambling.
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