Reviews for Walk on the Moon
anima chapter 4 . 11/6/2014
i really admire rei's goal. its unique and cool(so one piece pirates- she seems she would become an outlaw if she can get her freedom). im in chapter 4 now and though i understand she loves ino. i hope she doesnt become itachi and more like luffy who though loves his grandfather still became a pirate for his freedom. im so interested in reading about her striving for this.
xenocanaan chapter 7 . 11/3/2014
I'm hoping that Rei takes Tenten's spot. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Guest chapter 7 . 11/2/2014
new chapter awesome! though i have a problem with this story, the main character knows the history and geography of the elemental nations? when did she learned this? i haven't read anything about her learning any of this all i have read on this is that her mom and some clan's men are teaching her very basic hand to hand combat that's it. and yeah she's going to be the new head of her clan when she becomes of age so it's natural to think that they would teach her this things but the problem with that is you have not written anything about it, and that's it that's the problem you don't show her learning things training you don't show us details of her life so when i read that the main character already knows this things i was confused, so anyway i hope you put more details in this story to fill the gaps because it has potential. - angryanimefan
Yellow Horse chapter 7 . 11/2/2014
I think I'm beginning to dislike Rei, which is unfortunate, because I liked her in the beginning. What made me dislike her is her statement: "Yamanaka Rei, six years old. Child prodigy. The only one who will truly be your equal in this class. How do you do?"

It is a horribly rude and condescending way to introduce yourself to someone. If she had any desire to make friends or allies with Neji, I don't think she would have said that line at all; most especially, not on her first day of the Academy. Children grow and become better at their skills. There is a reason Tenten was put on Neji's team, afterall.

Also, be careful that Rei doesn't become a Mary Sue. With the way she introduced herself and the way she is antagonizing the Hokage, her character is already walking a very tenuous line between being believably talented and too over the top.

That's all from me for now. I hope you update soon. I would like to see what you decide to do with Rei's character.
Reader chapter 1 . 11/1/2014
Yay I love the start. It is rare to find a good neji oc fic and yours off to a great start :)
Enbi chapter 6 . 10/31/2014
I love this story so far! Is it weird that I'm picturing Rei in my head as Yang Xiao Long from RWBY? They definitely do share some physical characteristics, mainly the lilac eyes and the curly blonde hair. Anyways, I find Rei's thought processes to be fascinating, because she herself is an interesting character. I do wonder if she'll have trouble in the future keeping her resolve for her goal, because of the bonds she makes in the village.

IMHO, I believe that Rei talks about becoming S-rank way too casually. I'm not sure she's aware of just how difficult of a task that will be. She'll need some kind of force multiplier like you mentioned in that other fic of yours (which I found to be strangely hilarious, because of the mental image of an adorable baby plotting to gain power as quickly as possible so they can be free from any obligations). I am rather excited to see what that force multiplier will be. The Yamanaka were a good choice, because the manga didn't really go into detail about their techniques so you have a lot of freedom there.

Loving the quick updates! Happy writing :)
xenocanaan chapter 6 . 10/31/2014
Please post the next chapter soon!
pressea chapter 1 . 10/30/2014
Those listed characters. Tenten replacement?
Guest chapter 5 . 10/30/2014
love this story and your SI character i hope she actually leaves the village because i have read many stories like this and the main character always stays in the village for some reason or another. now to quote my favorite time traveler character Eddie Riggs "its time to brake the chains" and actually have a SI character leave the village and make there own path and not just follow what's in canon.
MJ chapter 5 . 10/30/2014
Haha, poor rei. I really like the premise of this story, because while it's all well and good to be realistic about your chances of surviving in a world like that, sometimes you just wanna read about someone becoming an S-class BAMF. Excited to see more!
xenocanaan chapter 5 . 10/30/2014
I can't wait for the next chapter!
Enigma of Anime chapter 4 . 10/28/2014
don't worry! You're going to be strong, right? You can protect anyone if you're strong enough! Anyway, please update soon! _ Those two are adorable!
kittyloaf chapter 3 . 10/28/2014
I can just imagine Naruto trying to brush his teeth.
Tachzaruu chapter 4 . 10/28/2014
I love Rei's introspection about the world she lives in, and how she wants to live only for herself (and possibly bring Ino along for the ride). The Darwinian society comment made me chuckle, it's so true!
Enigma of Anime chapter 3 . 10/27/2014
This is a good story... please update soon! She's the only one I found that WANTS to be a S-class nin, the others have different goals and coincidentally became s-class XD
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