Reviews for Walk on the Moon
D3Diton chapter 28 . 12/12/2023
hmmmm Rei really is super disrespectful, I feel like she should have been curved down by now by someone
D3Diton chapter 10 . 12/12/2023
complains about how Messed up the shinobi world is but is equally messed up too.
you are what you hate
NastySquire chapter 1 . 11/20/2023
I like the MC's current personality and goals. Sadly, I highly doubt her goals will actually happen. 10 dollars on her eventually changing her mind and wanting to protect people that she begrudgingly befriends.
Child of Dreams chapter 2 . 10/9/2023
I don''t know if you noticed already, but you misspelled "Kyuubi" at the beginning of the chapter...
Guest chapter 49 . 9/28/2023
I loved this a lot! Nah e you’re beyond fanfics right now but I really hope you come back to give this closure one day even in summary form :)
Aslingg chapter 20 . 9/12/2023
My skipping immediately bit me because the one sentence that was still off screen identified the summon. Though I wasn't aware that their babies were called "pups"
Aslingg chapter 20 . 9/12/2023
As interesting as this would be to watch on TV, as a story this sequence drags a lot. About halfway through, I started skipping because I kinda wanna just get back to the plot after she inevitably succeeds after nearly failing, likely with a begrudgingly admiring/praising speech from her new canine summon leader.
Vixm chapter 49 . 8/16/2023
I love this story. Please upload next chapter
Guest chapter 49 . 7/14/2023
While I think she’s too sadistic and conniving for someone who loves so deeply, I think you have written a wonderful character. I really hope you’re still writing this series! My biggest problems are with the way Konoha is portrayed, and even THAT I get in the context of the story, and the relationship with Hinata. Otherwise this is one of the best Naruto stories I have ever read. Period. GREAT unique summons too!
KingOfEmptyness chapter 1 . 7/13/2023
Guest chapter 48 . 6/20/2023
Kage in 5 years time so
1 rei graduate
2 ino and main cast graduate and the chunin exam
3-4 time skip
5 shipuden
Guest chapter 22 . 6/19/2023
Rei is a super saiyan
Guest chapter 11 . 6/18/2023
Character development yes
professorlight23 chapter 26 . 6/13/2023
The drama is Fcking STUUUUUUPID, She live in a world of kill or be killed, they should have been very proud of her cause she can survive more when another war occurs. War in narutoverse is like a decade thing. Anyway its STUPID(Asian Accent)
professorlight23 chapter 21 . 6/13/2023
well that is predictable when they say "FAMILY" as a bald man once said "You don't turn your back from the family" LOL
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